MsGrowingGirl20 if at any time you feel the need for extra support there is a wonderful site called It is a really helpful site and everyone on it has a love for God, Christ and the bible. Active JWs are on there too, who are facing the same doubts and questions as you. It is a very upbuilding and encouraging site.
i am a regular pioneer in my cong reading crisis of goes...
by MsGrowingGirl20 206 Replies latest jw friends
finally awake
Welcome! I'm pretty new here, and I can attest to this site being a real eye opener.
Welcome aboard
I have not read it yet, I was out before I knew COC existed, but I will one day soon
Hello x
I started in a similar situation. Take your time, trust your own judgment, you know your motives you don't know anybody else's.
"Opportunity often comes disguised as misfortune or temporary defeat" don't walk away from these facts because of the possible outcomes, I won't lie, it's hard, it's not pleasant but for me it changed my life in a hugely positive way.
Take care and PM If you want help.
Snare & Racket
Welcome. I remember the exact moment in my life when I realized that I was living a lie. It was the most frightening thing I had ever encountered. You will go through a transition that will be full of pain and eventually unbelievable joy.
But, never forget that many more have started this journey than have finished. You will eventually begin to notice those I call the "walking dead." These are the ones that are in every congregation that realized that they were living a lie but for what ever reason did not have the courage to finish the journey.
May you have courage...
God bless.
Welcome MsGrowingGirl!
I love these threads!!! Many of us on this board are former pioneers, MS's, Elders, even a few special pioneers and gilead graduates. CofC was a real eye-opener for me about some things, but what really put me over the edge was In Search of Christian Freedom.
Again, Welcome!!! It's great to have you here!!
Hello, welcome to the rest of your life. Congratulations on deciding that life will include not letting anyone restrict what information you can access.
Let us know how it goes with the read.
Yan Bibiyan
Welcome MsGrowingGirl20!
Take it slow and don't tell JWs about the book until you get your bearings. I know you just want to run to everyone and show them how wrong the org is. Don't, unless you re ready to be written off.
Sorry if I sound negative in my welcome post; believe me it's for your good.
All the best for now and tell us more about you and your situation when you feel like it.
Also, ask any questions you may have; there is a vast body of knowledge and experience on this board.
Welcome to JWN! This is the place to describe how you're feeling about what you're learning. Please don't do it with your jw family and friends until you've decided the best course for your life. Many have stood in your stead and can advise you.
I'm curious as to why you're reading CoC. Please let us know as long as it's not a violation of privacy. Hope to hear lots more from you soon!