Less than 48 hours since the 2012 survey went online, and we're already on approximately 92 responses. I've calculated that if we could keep that rate up over the next 11 months, we would end up with over 15,000 responses before the survey closes!
Here's the breakdown per category so far:
Active witnesses - 11 voters
3 of the 11 voters are ministerial servants, and 2 are bethel volunteers! It's extremely gratifying to think of bethelites logging on to jwsurvey.org and completing the survey on bethel premises! 64% of voters in this category consider themselves "secret apostates", and 82% feel that apostates have legitimate concerns. 73% object to all forms of shunning. Only 20% feel that JWs represent God's spirit-directed organization. 100% don't believe that elders are appointed by holy spirit. 91% don't feel free to express a difference of opinion. 82% have never been the subject of a judicial committee hearing. 60% would secretly accept blood if their life was at stake. 91% know (or have heard of) one of JWs committing or attempting suicide. 100% of these voters have researched JWs on the internet. Only 10% think there is a realistic chance of the Society undergoing reform. Higher education is already the most contentious of beliefs/practices, with 100% of voters disapproving. So far, none of the active witness voters agree with ALL GB teachings and practices.
No voters for this category so far!
Serving elders - 3 voters
1 of the three voters is a congregation secretary. All 3 have served on judicial committees at some point, and 1 of these 3 regretted a decision that was reached. 2 of the 3 consider themselves "secret apostates". 2 of the 3 object to all forms of shunning. 1 of the 3 feels that a desire for prominence and an ambition to succeed motivates elders to serve. All 3 feel that JWs do NOT represent God's spirit-directed organization. 2 of the 3 don't believe that elders are appointed by holy spirit. All 3 don't feel free to express a difference of opinion. None have ever been the subject of a judicial committee hearing. 1 of the 3 would secretly accept blood if his life was at stake. 2 of the 3 know (or have heard of) one of JWs committing or attempting suicide. All 3 of these voters have researched JWs on the internet. 2 of the 3 feel the Society should undergo reform, but cannot see it happening. None of the 3 voters agree with all GB teachings and practices.
Inactive / Faders - 36 voters
15 former ministerial servants, 7 former elders, a former MTS graduate and a former bethel volunteer participated. 31% of the inactive voters have previously regular pioneered. 71% of voters don't entertain any hope in particular after they die. 78% of voters claim they became inactive after discovering the real truth about JWs. 1 voter claims he/she is spiritually weak. 63% of voters claim they are remaining inactive through fear of being shunned if they disassociate themselves. 88% would leave the organization if shunning were abolished. Only 15% regularly attend the memorial. 68% experience "pre-emptive shunning" from active JWs. 58% have experienced family/marital difficulties through their decision to become inactive. Only 3% feel that JWs represent God's spirit-directed organization. 100% don't believe that elders are appointed by holy spirit. 100% don't feel free to express a difference of opinion. 68% have never been the subject of a judicial committee hearing. 26% would secretly accept blood if their life was at stake, and 68% openly accept all forms of treatment with blood. 79% know (or have heard of) one of JWs committing or attempting suicide. 100% of these voters have researched JWs on the internet. 97% feel the Society should undergo reform, but cannot see it happening. Higher education / shunning / the Governing Body as God's sole channel and apostates being "mentally diseased" are all among the most contentious of beliefs/practices, with 100% of voters disapproving. 1 voter (3%) agrees with all GB teachings and practices.
DF'd or DA'd - 17 voters
There were 3 former ministerial servants, one former elder, and one former bethelite among the voters. A third of voters have either pioneered or regular auxiliary pioneered at some point. 71% said they left simply for disagreeing with JW teachings, and a lesser 29% of voters said they left because they transgressed the moral code. 100% of voters said they are happier after leaving. 100% of voters would NOT seek reinstatement. 94% of voters are shunned by JW family members. 100% of voters would NOT recommend becoming a JW. 35% of voters are now atheist, with 24% agnostic and 24% Christian. 1 voter is now a member of a non-Christian faith. 88% feel the GB knows what they are doing and should be held to account. 63% LOVE JWs, and are concerned that they are being misled. So far, no voters in this category wish to draw off followers after themselves. No voters feel that JWs are God's spirit-directed organization, OR that elders are spirit-appointed, OR that there is freedom to express doubt within the JW faith. An astonishing 41% of voters in this category never attended a JC hearing! 94% accept all forms of treatment with blood. 100% of voters have heard of a JW attempting or committing suicide. All but 1 of the voters has researched JWs on the internet. Strangely, 1 voter feels that there is a realistic chance of the Society undergoing reform, and another voter feels the Society doesn't need to reform in any way. No voters in this category ticked to say they agree with all GB beliefs/practices.
Never baptized - 9 voters
56% of voters have family who are JWs. 33% have little or nothing to do with them. 67% think that JWs are a cult, and that their beliefs are deeply flawed. No voters feel that JWs are God's spirit-directed organization, OR that elders are spirit-appointed, OR that there is freedom to express doubt within the JW faith. 88% have heard of a JW attempting or committing suicide. All voters have researched JWs on the internet. All voters feel the Society should undergo reform, but cannot see it happening. No voters in this category ticked to say they agree with all GB beliefs/practices.
I hope you find the above interesting. Please keep those votes coming in!!
By the way, if you could post on here to say you have taken the survey as others have done, this would be appreciated. The higher this thread is in the "active threads", the more votes the survey will attract.