Meta, even if they dropped, that is only a temporary thing. As the ice caps melt more, where is the water going to end up? In the atmosphere as well? Doubt it.
When will world realize zero population growth?
by N.drew 44 Replies latest social current
Broken Promises
Climate change and rising sea levels is not speculation for the inhabitants of Kiribati.
There is a tendency in much of the world to view climate change as a slow and gradual process where the harmful effects will be able to prevented before they occur. What is happening in Kiribati is evidence to the contrary. Kiribati is "like the canary in the coal mine in terms of the dramatic impact of climate change on a whole civilization of people,” says Harvard University biological oceanographer James J. McCarthy. “They didn't cause the problem, but they are among the first to feel it."
Aussie Oz
(wondering what rising sea levels have to do with zero population growth)...
But no, zero population growth wont be a problem...the Muslims in their adopted countries will continue to have many children while the rest of the countries dwindles.
still thinking
Interesting topic N.drew...coming back to read later......I want to look at some of the links on here.
When the world population reaches 9 billion I expect that to be around the point where it starts to hold steady. This will take great leaps forward in technology and great political changes that bring about a more egalitarian society with no one starving, and a reasonable standard of living for all.
I am old enough to remember all the doom and gloom prophets of the past, how the whole world would be starving by the mid-seventies, how all the forests were dying because of acid rain etc etc
O.K many have starved, and that is plain evil. But it has far more to do with politics and who keeps firm hold of all the wealth than it does with the world's ability to feed itself. All the fuss about GM foods is mis-placed, it ignores the science and is just scare mongering, it is the way forward.
You don't hear about acid rain now, why ? because those "experts" were WRONG. The world as a whole did not sink into starvation by the mid-sevnties why? because the "experts" were wrong.
Ever since Malthus the prophets of doom have driven the policies of ignorant politicians, because doom-mongering gets the most exposure in the media.
I have the utmost confidence that ordinary people, if they are not stifled by governments, bureucrats and bloody "experts" will find innovative ways to move the human race forward, ordinary people note, scientists are not that good at innovation when you look at the record, the Industrial Revolution was brought about by ordinary folk inventing machinery to do the work of many people, the scientists invented very little.
Not that I am rubbishing science, we need its discoveries, but ordinary mortals are the best at making those things work.
Global warming may not be the huge apocalyptic problem it has been painted either, we can adapt.
The future is bright , be positive !
So, I watched this SUPER funny MOVIE, that was kind-of on human population growth and where we are headed as a world.
IDIOCRACY was the movie.
Watch it, and then comment on this thread!
Kiribati? Read this:
If nothing else, consider the falsehood of predictions about sea level rises that have already failed - that should embarrass people like Al Gore, if they could be embarrassed.
On a more positive note, Muslims in the US overwhelmingly reject imposing Sharia as an alternative legal standard. This is good and fends off extremism on all sides. I also see 'Arab Spring" as very positive because it will finally force Arab nations to either adopt good governance or collapse into poverty and endless civil war.
"Idiocracy" has a future hit TV show called "Ow, My Balls". Take note of home video programs and consider that we've already arrived at that.