A few cautionary statements need to be included regarding alternative energy sources, particularly that of the nuclear "cold fusion" process.
Nobody has been able to replicate Pons and Fleischmann's experiment of 1989, leading the scientific community in general to treat the process with deep scepticism - to say the least (with some categorizing it in a class similar to alchemy!). This despite more recent publicity about work being carried out at the University of Bologna, by Andrea Rossi (Nov 3, 2011).
To date, exploitation of the shale oil deposits has been limited to the drawing off of the natuaral gas pockets which form around the shale - and which release after the rock has been shattered by hydraulic action ("fracked"). This is similar to the extraction of the coal seam gas that is carried out in Australia's Central Queensland Coal Fields;
- it is a process which leaves the primary source of the energy behind (In the case of the oil shale, this amounts to some 15 - 40% of what potentially could be recovered).
Many of the popular cliches are also quite true, including the old adage "Necessity is the Mother of Invention." However, care needs to be excercised when presenting something that is just a possibilty:
- "Could" does not necessarily always add up to "Shall". (More's the pity!)