When will world realize zero population growth?

by N.drew 44 Replies latest social current

  • metatron
  • rebel8

    Is there any actual evidence for the premise in Idiocracy?

  • HB

    I don't usually post here now but I do read regularly, and this thread caught my eye.

    Yesterday I read an article on the UK BBC website about world population and I thought that although it may be slightly at a tangent to the topic, and I'm not sure how accurate it is, I found it interesting. I hope the tables will copy into this site as I'm not great at technology.


    4 February 2012

    Do the dead outnumber the living?

    By Wesley Stephenson

    The population of the planet reached seven billion in October, according to the United Nations. But what's the figure for all those who have lived before us?

    It is often said that there are more people alive today than have ever lived - and this "fact" has raised its head again since the UN announcement about the planet's population reaching a new high.

    The idea helps fuel fears that the population is expanding too fast.

    It is true that if you delve back into the mists of time, the population of Earth was tiny in comparison to today and logically it might seem plausible that the living outnumber the dead.

    It is agreed by most demographers that the UN figure for the number alive today is reasonably accurate. The problem is, how do you calculate how many have ever lived, and where do you start?

    One group to have done the work is the Population Reference Bureau in Washington.

    Wendy Baldwin from the Bureau says that the normal starting point is when Homo sapiens first walked the earth, about 50,000 years ago.

    So you have a starting point and an end figure but it's the time in between that causes the problems. "For 99% of that time there is no data," she says.

    Graph showing world population growth

    This means experts have to make an educated guess.

    In the 20th Century, the world's birth rate dropped from 40 births per 1,000 people per year to just 31 in 1995, and today it is only 23.

    But long ago, humans needed a reproduction rate of about 80 births per 1,000 people per year in order to survive, Wendy Baldwin says, because people didn't live so long and far fewer of those born had children.

    "Today, life expectancy is about 75-80 [years] and for most of human history that was not the case," she says.

    "We have some estimates for the Middle Ages where life expectancy might have been 10-12, which means many people never made it out of childhood.

    "Even if you had a lot of births, many of those never lived to actually bear children themselves."

    In other words, it would be easy to underestimate the number of people who were born, lived and died, in the earlier part of human history. That estimate of 80 births per 1,000 people per year looks very high by today's standards - but in fact it is conservative, implying "a very slow population growth, much slower than anything we see today".

    Added to this educated guess for the early period is much more accurate data from the modern era.

    More or Less: Behind the stats

    You can listen to More or Less on BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service or by downloading the free BBC podcast

    "Once you have written records, once you have censuses, when countries start to collect taxes, you start developing written record," says Wendy Baldwin.

    From around 1800, and even a little before that, is where the data becomes much better. "It then becomes plausible to say [around this time] you have a billion people on earth."

    This written record means that you can be pretty confident about the final figure for the number of people who have ever lived, she explains.

    Population growth has mostly happened in the modern period, she says, when records were kept, so if estimates for the early period are slighhtly out, this will not drastically change the overall ratio of "ever lived" to "living".

    So what are the figures? There are currently seven billion people alive today and the Population Reference Bureau estimates that about 107 billion people have ever lived.

    This means that we are nowhere near close to having more alive than dead. In fact, there are 15 dead people for every person living. We surpassed seven billion dead way back between 8000BC and AD1.

    Fans of science fiction may be reaching for their copies of Arthur C Clarke's classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey, at this point.

    In that book, he makes the assertion: "Behind every man now alive stand 30 ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living."

    But Ms Baldwin points out he was not wrong.

    "He was making his statement in 1968. There were maybe 3.5 billion people currently living on earth so if you use our method, that would be one living person to 29 dead."

    And will we ever reach a point where there are more alive than dead?

    This would imply a very high rate of population growth.

    "Could we imagine a carrying capacity of the Earth of 100-150 billion? I find that quite unimaginable."

    How many people have ever lived?

    Source: Population Reference Bureau estimates



    Births / 1,000

    Births since previous date



































    31- 38










    ....Number who have ever lived: 107,602,707,791

  • MrFreeze

    Planet earth will need a plague like the Black Plague if earth is to survive. That's just a fact.

  • GLTirebiter
    Planet earth will need a plague like the Black Plague if earth is to survive. That's just a fact.

    The Earth itself should do just fine for a long time to come. The question is life on this planet, human life in particular.

    Plague and natural catastrophes (super-volcanoes, asteroid impacts, etc.) are natural events that could permanently zero out human population growth. Large-scale warfare, genocide, and resource depletion are human-caused ones. Widespread famine has both natural and human causes. Plagues have both sources too: natural evolution of new pathogens and pests; human hygiene practices and over-use of antibiotics, pesticides etc. (i.e., selective breeding of more virulent pathogens and pests).

    We need to pay more attention to what we humans can control; less to those things we cannot stop.

  • skeeter1

    I'd have to say that my family mirrors Idiocracy. . . . .

    I heard that IQ of offspring gravitates closer to the bell of curve then the parent. So, a super smart parent will likely have a slightly little lower IQ child, and an idiot's child wil have a slightly higher IQ then the parent. But IQ is aptitude, and if not paired with education, the child is less off. So, an idiot's child is not going to be read books, encouraged with schooling, etc.

    Yeah, my saying in our family is this . . . "If you're a teenaged girl, unmarried, no insurance, no education, no job, living at home . . . . sure thing to get pregnant and have a "healthy" pregnancy. But, if you're over 30, married, insurance, home, and a checking account . . . off to the fertility doctors..."


  • Glander

    I believe that for every new babe that is born an old person should be shot in the back the head at the edge of a ditch.

  • watson

    Glander! "Warming up" for the big game?

  • Phizzy

    Mr Freeze, I think your "fact" makes no allowance for human ingenuity and determination, a similar "fact" was posited in the 17th century, but we are still here, and far from a plague helping us, human health, and therefore life expectancy, has improved beyond all expectations.

    Don't be such a prophet of doom, you might be part of a large group, but so far, that group has only distinguished itself by being WRONG !

  • skeeter1

    It's ok, we're going to have moon colonies soon!

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