When will world realize zero population growth?

by N.drew 44 Replies latest social current

  • N.drew

    Phizzy are you neglecting to realize how prophets of doom effect large numbers of people? Sometimes for bad, but more often for good.

    Don't you think? I personally use lots less water, paper and plastic because I LISTEN to warnings. I drive less because I listened. Doom sayers are doing the world a favor by their warnings, but what do they get when people listen? Shit. And you think they don't know it? They sound the warning despite the inevitable conclusion that people will listen and halt the catastrophe and then they will look wrong. But not to wise people. They don't look wrong to wise people.

  • Knowsnothing
    Is there any actual evidence for the premise in Idiocracy? -rebel8

    I think it's more a reflection of the decline of the US. Obviously it needs to use hyperbole to get the point across, but I wouldn't put it so farfetched.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    It's easy to ignore problems when they don't affect us directly.

  • glenster
  • Phizzy

    "They don't look wrong to wise people" (N.Drew)

    They are either right or wrong, whether you ar wise or not, O.K you may have a point about the warnings helping us to change our habits so disaster is averted, if that point were backed by evidence.

    What worries me is that there is a constant knee-jerk reaction to every doomsters predictions, and often these reactions are a terrific brake on progress.

    Take GM foods, take the push for Organic foods, the Doomsters say "GM foods -bad" "Organic foods-good" so governments and the public believe them and act on it without considering the evidence. GM foods are responsibloe for preventing much starvation already, and will do so even more in the future (the new flood resistant rice, for instance, will be a boon in Bangladesh and elsewhere)

    Organic farming is bad for the Planet, it produces too much carbon.

    All the evidence points to population being naturally restricted as people begin to enjoy a better standard of living, what is the best way to achieve that ?

    Certainly not thinking ourselves wise when we have not looked at the evidence and based our policies and actions on sound reasons.

  • N.drew

    not thinking ourselves wise when we have not looked at the evidence and based our policies and actions on sound reasons. Phizzy

    Less is more is wise. I don't think I'm wise to use less. I know I am.

    Or I could go along with more of the others and wait for proof, and then use less when it has become an order. That is wise? No, I don't think so.

    But I'm making fun of you. I understand what you mean. You mean somethings we think are good are bad.

    My Heavenly Father knows what is good, and what is bad. Using less water and less paper is good and wise. It is, you know! I don't need evidence because it's so obvious all ready. I know it's spelled wrong. So like, are you all ready? Haha.

  • N.drew

    Why not look at it my way Phizzy?

    If the Watchtower would obey my rule (it's not a rule, but for me) which is less is more they would stop printing the Watchtower Magazine on paper then more people would be on the internet (there are libraries) to find out all the wonderful "new light" and then they would have opportunity to find out more and make an educated decision instead of your rule which is wait and see which is hardly the best thing to do or the wisest decision for world every time.

    That is the longest sentence I ever wrote! I do believe! Great fodder I say! "Lord have mercy!"

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    metatron...it is interesting what you say about sea levels. I live by a tidal creek and have lived here for about 20 years.

    We used to flood regularly, at least once a year if not twice. As time has gone on the flooding has decreased and is less severe. The last flood we had was two years ago, and that was because of a cyclone and a supposed 100 year high tide. Of course the combination of high tide and heavy rain is our worst nightmare.

    I have been saying for years now, if the sea levels are rising...how come they aren't in my back yard?

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    New agricultural land is still being brought into production in this part of the world.

    I have just returned from a visit to the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island, where land is now being "broken in" that, in my youth, would have been written off as forever useless:

    - semi swamp land, with highly acidic soil and covered mainly in noxious weeds and second growth podocarp forest (known by the Maori word "pakihi.")

    To turn this into productive dairy farming land requires a huge investment - firstly in earthworks (a technique known as "humping and hollowing"), then massive and repeated application of fertilizers for up to ten years in a row.

    Yet, such is the demand for dairy products - both now and anticipated - that investors are prepared to go to these lengths in order to bring new dairy farming land into production.


  • Phizzy

    Thanks Bill, this illustrates the short sightedness of the doom and gloom boys, they fondly imagine that things will stay as they are, they make no allowance for human ingenuity and endeavour, which equals progress.

    None of the "fossil fuels" have run out, but human progress goes beyond them, as someone rightly said, "the stone age did not come to an end because we ran out of stone".

    This planet still has tremendous resources and potential, it just takes the will of man to overcome the problems that halt progress, and all of those problems are man made !

    One of the big problems is lack of education, this results in people believing what priests and gurus tell them, and in them fatalistically doing nothing to improve the world, whilst adding to its problems in many ways.

    This will change, with education will come societal changes, better forms of government, perhaps somwhere democracy may be given a try ! (no true democracy ever existed) and people will decide what is right and good, and make sure it is done, the Arab spring is just a start, the whole world needs to change, and it will.

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