Hi everyone
I'm scanning through some of the results from the 2012 JW Survey as they're coming in.
The most populous of the six voting categories with 76 voters so far is my own category, for those who are inactive, or "faded/fading" (not disfellowshipped or DA'd, but no longer reporting time on the ministry).
One statistic already leaping out at me surrounds the question "Do you experience 'pre-emptive shunning' from active Witnesses, who view you as 'bad association'?" Of the 74 who voted on this so far, 76% have answered "yes" to this question.
It's early days, and obviously I will have a clearer picture of the extent of the problem once the survey closes at the end of the year. However, the results already in suggest that pre-emptive shunning is widespread among inactive ones, despite this not being an "official" policy of the Society.
I was interested in your opinions as to why this may be? I'd also like to hear experiences from inactive ones as to the extent to which they are shunned by friends/relatives.