Pre-emptive shunning - a growing reality

by cedars 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    OK, let's try and get this thread back on point.

    Apparently an increasing number of active and inactive JWs are being shunned even though they have NOT been DA'd or DF'd.

    • How many have experienced this?
    • Why do you think that is?

    While the second question is speculative because it questions motives that cannot be verified, the first question if just simply inquiring regarding first hand experiences.

    It's a simple concept!


  • slimboyfat

    Well there was also that article recently that stated people are either for Jehovah or against him, there is no middle ground, which was perhaps an attempt to isolate inactive ones.

  • Madge

    I do have one question,

    What is the difference between "fading" and "disassociating? From what i am gathering fading from the organization allows them to be in contact with family and friends and disassociating is much like a disfellowshipping, and everyone avoids that person at all costs. Is this correct?

  • cedars


    What is the difference between "fading" and "disassociating? From what i am gathering fading from the organization allows them to be in contact with family and friends and disassociating is much like a disfellowshipping, and everyone avoids that person at all costs. Is this correct?

    Spot on. Disfellowshipping and disassociation are much the same when it comes to the final outcome, which is shunning by both friends and family. "Fading" or becoming inactive means that you can still technically keep in touch, but as this thread suggests, it isn't always that simple.


  • 00DAD


    "Well there was also that article recently that stated people are either for Jehovah or against him, there is no middle ground, which was perhaps an attempt to isolate inactive ones."

    That's a nice counterpoint to Jesus' words:

    For he that is not against YOU is for YOU .” - Luke 9:50

  • FreeAtLast1914

    My wife and I can vouch for the fact that preemptive shunning is alive and well.

    Neither of us are DF'd or reproved, but when we stood up and questioned Watchtower-sanctioned policy (which honestly was a pretty minor situation) virtually our entire family on both sides began shunning us. It quickly ramped up to the point where over a dozen members of our family threatened to walk out of a room if we happen to stop by.

    That was several years ago. Nothing has changed. These people are poisoned mentally and they don't even see it.

  • 00DAD

    FreeAtLast1914: when we stood up and questioned Watchtower-sanctioned policy (which honestly was a pretty minor situation) virtually our entire family on both sides began shunning us.

    Out of curiosity, what was the policy you questioned?


  • FreeAtLast1914

    00DAD, it had to do with the Society's double standard over baptism of illegals, while they as an organization claim to not tolerate those who challenge Caesar's laws. Like I said, in retrospect, it turned out to be a minor issue, but one that woke me up to the broader issue of their non-Biblical, anti-Christian positions on almost every aspect of life. The Watchtower is a house of cards and the baptism issue was simply the thing that shook me sufficiently to begin digging.

    The rest is history.

  • 00DAD

    FAL: Hmm, interesting. Yeah, their hypocrisy and duplicity knows no bounds. Once our eyes are fully opened it's amazing what we see that we didn't see before!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Shunning is a less distasteful word than bullying but that is exactly what it is.

    The effects can be just as damaging and can cause lasting psychological problems for many victims.

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