Latest May 2012 Watchtower: "JW wives must be more lovable"

by cedars 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Entering such a union after baptism can cost one some privileges among God’s people. And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, ‘Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway.

    Solomon married a foreign wife when he was very young, before he became king, no doubt with David's blessing.

    The first thing Jehovah did for Solomon when he became king was to ask what he wanted, he could have anything!

    (assuming you believe this stuff)


  • cedars


    None of the GB are French

    Dieu merci . S'ils l'étaient, nous serions confrontés à la guillotine !


  • EmptyInside

    I'm really tired of them going clear back to the Israelites. I thought the Mosaic Law was obsolete. But,they can pick and choose which rules there still apply.

    Yes,I can see how God certainly is blessing all the Witness marriages right now. (sarcasm)

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    " It is not Scripturally required that marriage mates limit sexual relations to efforts to produce offspring. Such in timacy can rightly fill emotional and physical needs. " --- au contraire mon ami (Cedars) this appears to me to sanction oral sex

  • LostGeneration

    And, of course, they should avoid any actions that would displease Jehovah.

    Ummm, ok. So that perv Jehovah is sitting in the corner of your bedroom with a notepad, writing down who sticks what where, getting highly offended everytime you break his puritanical sex rules.

    These guys have lost it.

  • Phizzy

    Room 215 ......... evidently !

    Of course perverted practices are a no no. Like ........ ?????

  • Magwitch

    She yearns for his love

    They sure know how to make women sound like a stupid group of people

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    So glad I didn't listen to them

    What BS! If I went back I'd have to endure listening to that I married a non-jw when I was still "in"

    They would all be wispering about me

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    Never ceases to amaze me what a bunch of hypocritical mysoginists run the Tower.

  • 3rdgen

    I find it strange that the GB constantly refer/imply that oral sex is a sin but forget to adress husbands who rape their wives. The PO(COBE) in our old hall had been doing this for years to his wife. She was often left with bruses on her thighs. He never was reproved by the "good ole boys" for it. He eventually was removed for comming to the meetings drunk.

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