LOL Obviously, not. What do you think? I did not say count. I said measured. I meant count.
Which kind of engineer's scale counts money rather than measures it? I only ask because so far your story is not adding up and, rather than assume you are making it up, I want you to have the opportunity to correct it.
You've already had multiple opportunities, it needs to make sense now or it looks like you are making up a whole lot of things.
My story was meant to illustrate the difference between knowing with certainty and believing something.
Exactly. So far everyone knows your story is completely not making sense and no one believes it. You need to fix that.
When I used the terms, engineer's scale, instrument, "a reading" , ruler, measurement and multiple measurements in my story, I was alluding to scientific fact in connection with something that I know with certainty versus something that I only believe in.
So...are you making this up or not? If so, it's a horrible story that illustrates you don't know anything about money, counting, measuring or science. If not... well, it shows the same thing.
I was also fishing for anyone who has ever written a lab report above the grade 12, who I thought would "almost immediately" recognize these terms and could understand what I meant.
So far it's not clear that you know what you mean.
I was also fishing for anyone that ever took the LSAT, who I thought would be able to decipher my very simple story. All I did was to express count in terms of measuring.
I've taken the LSAT and scored above 98%. I still wouldn't use and engineer's scale (whatever that is) to count money, no more than I would use a ruler to weigh a melon. Your story is sounding more and more like you made something up and are trying to make it sound clever, but are only succeeding in proving you don't nor did have any idea what you are on about.
Commentaries, ridicule, remarks,. beliefs do not make my money grow if you know what I mean.
No, no one does. Use English and complete sentences and then we might.
Can anyone show from the Bible why a compassionate God would cause pain and suffering to any living creature prior to sin? That was the dialogue I was having with Caece, not "perhaps"
No, no one can. Hence, you worship a bloodthirsty death God who, oh ho ho ho, also happens to enjoy the pensis of baby boys and raping virgins.