How simple it sounds when logic is exercised to obscure sound research. The assertion that a heavenly creator would purposely subject its creation to pain is overreaching. Understanding all aspects of the subject, then becomes more complex than mere scenario’s. The error man continues to make is the delivery of assertions such as “pain” and “suffering” to mean the same.
PAIN: 1. physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury.
SUFFERING: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.
To a theist, why does God allow Suffering? God didn’t, that came about by man’s own sins.
Is that the same as pain? No, pain would be there as a warning mechanism. What does both have to do with theist, nothing since theism is a focus of rather a God or Gods existed? History shows every culture in life up to modern times has had a belief in a God of some kind. Now having said that,
The creator mentioned in the book of genesis, at no point mentioned there would be no pain. It does however stipulate on Genesis 3:16, the woman would have the pains in child baring increased. If does not reflect to make pain, rather than enhance it. Why then would a creator include pain in creation? As a warning mechanism. How would a creation figure out for example if it broke its leg and didn’t feel it? Since the creator had given all the necessary amenities for the cycle of life, then Thinking outside the box would dictate, the creator would also mend creation should something go array, but if that creation was unaware then it would expire without it ever knowing it. How do you come to that conclusion, simple; in the book of genesis 3:9-10 indicates god looking for man and not knowing where he was until Adam replied. So the assertion of an all knowing God is just a mirrored solution to the depths of creation. Does it actually mean God didn’t know, or rather God did, but was waiting to hear from man’s own mouth? That intent was made in genesis to have its creation live forever perfectly. So just as the first set of creation, any number of things to go array. That’s why man would keep the animals in subjection. The other side of having the difference between pain and suffering manifested itself in the Genesis 4:9-10 Did Abel feel pain or did he suffer when he died? The indication is no, why, because told Cain his brothers blood was crying out from the Ground. That’s why it’s also to look at the life source not just the source.
Archeology suggest, let’s say, the dinosaur’s big teeth were formed to penetrate the tuff hide of its prey. However it doesn’t explain if a creator that made the dinosaur created those big teeth to shred, let’s say heavy or thick vegetation. To contemplate one without the other, then becomes inconsistent with what man has learned and experienced thus far.
Now to an Atheist all of this would have no meaning unless there able to prove how the cycle of life actually started. The biggest research on the subject quantified its hypothesis in the 19 century. Does this mean man wasn’t thinking about it before? No, it means the interest back them wasn’t fashioned as it is today. What does this all prove, to evolutionist the cycle of life has been and will always be destructive, and to the creationist, it means that all that man has been through will one day in order to start a world that God always intended.
So to have a rational argument or irrational conversation is moot. That’s the purpose of Noah. Believe or not, the choice is your own.