does the gb really believe or is this a game ?

by mP 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP


    while i agree, im surprised how little benefits financially the gb get. they are old men, no helicopters, no speedboats, dancing girls or private planes. everyday they managing the circus. everyday they eat average food, wear ties and suits. it cant be much fun doing this seven days a week knowing its all pointless. what exactly do they hope to achieve. by the end of this century or perhaps sooner, they will be a complete joke even with believers. 1914 will be a long time ago, and the obvious that they just msde stuff up will be true to all. so why bother this stupid game.

  • sir82
    everyday they managing the circus. everyday they eat average food, wear ties and suits. it cant be much fun doing this seven days a week knowing its all pointless.

    I disagree with this assessment. I think it's a pretty attractive arrangement.

    -- Free first class travel to anywhere in the world plus first class accomodations. New branch office in Tahiti? Better get over there for the dedication talk!

    -- Green handshakes, special favors, and invitations from extraordinarily wealthy JWs

    -- Prime living quarters in Brooklyn Heights with million-dollar skyline views

    -- (Most important) the feeling of absolute POWER. 7 million people hang on your every word. You can write "white is black" in next month's Watchtower and 7 million people would allow themselves to be killed defending that belief. Every time you speak publicly, 10's of thousands hang on every word, applaud wildly, and wait for hours on end just to have the privilege of shaking your hand and getting a photo with you.

  • mP


    im sorry the nyc skyline is not beautiful. it may be expensive but its not beautiful. how many times does one open an office in tahiti? anyway if they did go there its not as if they make an appearance and then go to the beach. if anything i would argue they are in a virtual orison. they have little if any free time to just enjoynlife. it cant be fun, constantly remembering the last bullshit your peddljng, and then arguing and fixing up the mess it creates.

    what special favours do they get ? when do they get to sit back and use that money or wealth ? do they ever ?

    too me i think of the queen, all that wealth and ceremony, but she cant even walk down the street. for all their prestige they are always on the job, and it never ends. it onky ends when they are senile, or die.

    i suppose if your megalomaniac it might sound like a dream, but doesnt it just become a resposnsbility?

  • flipper

    MP - My opinion ? Your question : " Does the GB really believe ? " No. " Is this a game ( to them ) ? " No on both counts . It's a business to them.

    BELLA 15's statement, " The GB is just a front....... there are invisible shareholders behind them..... " - is the closest thing to the truth. It's been brought out with provable links on this board in the past that the WT society has financial interests in Rand-cam corporation ( which makes war weapons ) and also an oil company off the coast of Brazil. I'm too tired to research and provide the links ( had vertigo the last week ) but do some research and hunting around on the Internet and you'll find it. I have felt for a long time that the WT society has corporate backers behind it who are raking in $$$$$ off the WT society front. WT society is an unscrupulous, dishonest business corporation ( like many corporations ) who are taking advantage of and manipulating 7 million people by promising false dreams of an alleged " paradise " where JW members will NEVER die. Last time I checked EVERY SINGLE JW dies like all other humans. Remember the 1925 promise ? " Millions now living will never die " ? That was a lie as well used as a marketing tool. Pretty sick

  • thetrueone

    The only GB member or President I ever met was Nathan Knorr after a Sunday talk at a district assembly.

    He drew attention from people like he was a president of a country.

    There were more handshakes and smiles coming toward him like he was Christ himself.

    Today the GB have a position of respect and admiration from all JWs who are closely in contact with them.

    No they may not live the high austere life of a rich upper class executive but you can expect they get preferential treatment wherever they go.

    Not to mention there's no worrying about a retirement fund , the WTS. if their retirement fund.

  • Jack C.
    Jack C.

    When you jump off of a 20 story building you're fully committed; there's no turning back even if you wanted to.

  • N.drew

    "There's no turning back even if you wanted to." It caused me to realize what "sinning agianst the holy spirt" might mean.

    I believe the Holy Spirit leads and guides. To sin against it probably means to spoil one's way to be led by it. Once it gets spoiled it can't help any more. Not won't but can't.

  • mP


    what retirement fund? they work until they die almost always providing they are not senile.

    it seems they put in a lot of time so the shareholders cash in. if they had even half that commitment in an ordinary business they woyld benefit personally a lot more. at the very least they could retire and go fishing.

  • thetrueone


    what retirement fund?

    What I was relating to is their living expenses, the WTS will provide all of their needs until they die.

    They don't even have to pay for a cemetery plot.

  • mP


    so they work their way to the top, eat, breath, watchtower so they get a free burial plot ? my country and im guessing most western countries also give burials to homeless people. seems like a lot of effort for something you can get for free or from any modest job. perhaps if they got a masoleum like the pyramids and you had an ego i could understand, but from i can see the benefits seem pretty small. the only outstanding thing i can agree upon is it must be satisfying for them to control millions on a whim.

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