The gb is a closed group and very much protected from dissenting voices. People around them keep the bad apples away and they live in an arrangement where they receive a certain amount of defferance. These men have reach the pinnacle of their ambitions being proven company men to have been offered the post in the first place. There life world and experience is based on this very claustrophobic environment. They do get foreign travel and there are accounts of gb members travelling to foreign countries doing the minimum required and combining spiritual duties with holidays.
Because they are such a closed group and because criticism is discouraged these men are more likely to make bad decisions. They will not debate consequences of their decisions or accept that there may be other ideas they have not considered. They will not accept the idea that they may be wrong. Everyone around them reinforces this idea. It takes a lot to resist the constant pressure to conform to the group. I don't believe they all believe in the Devine but they go along with it and bow down to the most forceful personality within them.