Anyways, do you think that if WT decided to face the fact that 607-1914 is an indefensible pile of crap that has been artificially kept steaming for way too long, would it really kick off a mass exodus or anything?
Absolutely not.
Here is a good case in point:
Because the Great Crowd are those who actually survive the Great Tribulation, the most the JW's could say about anyone today is that they are a prospective member of that group.
But you don't have any prospect of surviving an event that you will never live to see. Therefore you absolutely, positively have to be within one human lifespan of the Great Tribulation before the Great Crowd can be identified. JW literature has been absolutely crystal clear on that point:
"God’s infallible Word depicts this group as ‘coming out of the great tribulation,’ being survivors of it, living right on into God’s New Order without ever having to die. (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14; John 11:26) The early members of this group are now in their 60’s or 70’s or older. Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd," including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the "new earth."" (Survival Into a New Earth p 185)
Nothing has changed vis a vis the Great Crowd teaching since then, so the problem here is obvious. It is still tied to the pre-1995 understanding of a generation. 1935 was 77 years ago and the people who stood up and were told that they were the Great Multitude were adults at the time. They were every bit as old as the 1914 generation. And now they are pretty much gone.
Therefore, the JW eschatological system is broken pretty badly right now.
Does the average JW grasp this? No.
Does the average JW grasp this even after its been explained? No.
Does the average JW understand that other teachings were tied to the pre-1995 generation concept at all? No.
Does the average JW grasp the implications of a salvationless class of Christians? No.
Does the average JW understand that this would be a complete repudiation of Christianity? No.
If a JW is perfectly willing to accept the fact that the non-anointed who remained faithful in the concentration camps simply grew old and died and now await a resurrection along side everyone else, then how could abandoning 1914 possibly bother them?
You have to be able to think before you can be bothered by change.