If the WT dumped 1914 tommorow ...?

by faithfulslavedriver 70 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iamwhoiam

    I hope they factored in Leap Year for thier calculations. :p


  • outsmartthesystem

    They will never, ever COMPLETELY dissolve the 1914 teaching as that would be impossible for them to explain. But they ARE slowly but surely moving away from focusing on it. Decades ago it dominated. I mean....the end was coming within the lifetime of those that saw 1914! But now that the "generations" are overlapping.....they are focusing less and less on it. Do yourself a favor. Search "1914" in the Watchtower and Awake magazines on the CD ROM from 1980-1989. Then again from 1990-1999. Then again from 2000-2009. As times goes by they are mentioning it less and less. In the future.......Instead of "proving" 1914 by going over the 2,520 years method over and over again........they will just simply make references to it. It will be mentioned as "christ coming to power in 1914"....or "with Christ's reign having already begun".....

    They will mention it less and less in the coming years and when they do happen to mention it...... it will be a brief reference with no focus on "proving" anything. As such....over the years it will slowly be indoctrinated into the minds of the next generation of dubs.....without proof.....so that it just comes to be an accepted "historical fact".

    I already see it at work in my wife. When challenged about the 607, 1914 and 1919 dates.....she cannot back up her claims. When I tell her that the very existence of her religion is dependant upon those dates she shrugs it off and says "that is the problem. You focus too much on the past and not enough on the present. What matters are the wonderful truths we have today". She simply cannot make the connection that without 607, 1914, and 1919 being spot on accurate.....whatever "wonderful truths" there are that exist today are built upon swamp land.

    this is why the GB are harping SO much on OBEDIENCE to them these days. No more thinking allowed. Just believe

  • Ding

    The "wonderful truths" of today will be forgotten "old light" in a couple of years.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Oh yeah....welcome!

    I also think LeavingWT made a good point. Ultimately even if the DID abandon the 1914 teaching....90% would still follow them. If you wonder why that would happen....read "Captives of a concept" by Don Cameron.

    And don't be alarmed by Larsinger. I think he may be on a permanent crack high

  • winstonchurchill

    OutSmartTheSystem: They will never, ever COMPLETELY dissolve the 1914 teaching as that would be impossible for them to explain. But they ARE slowly but surely moving away from focusing on it. Decades ago it dominated.

    You nailed it!

    1914 is becoming les and less relevant to the 'everyday operation' of the organization. Is more of a historical milestone: "The year the end started". But for a while they have stop talking about it as a tie reference for the end. In another post someone asked about the current understanding of "this generation" and I commented most Jw's couldn't even explain in their own words what it is. I think WT is leting it fade, cecoming secondary.

    The emphasis is being put -as someone already said- on obedience, rules and authority. After decades of obsessing with chronology, they tell us is not appropriate to be looking for "the date and the time", that we should be focusing on what's really important.

    No, they won't dump 1914. They don't need to.

  • undercover

    do you think that if WT decided to face the fact that 607-1914 is an indefensible pile of crap that has been artificially kept steaming for way too long, would it really kick off a mass exodus or anything?

    They'd replace it with another steaming pile of shit doctrine and all Jehober's lil chil'ren will buy it without much thought

  • thetrueone

    Its all a matter when they need to drop or change 1914, it was no surprise that they needed a revision of this generation

    that witnessed the events from 1914. Time had moved on from that year so something had to be instilled to quiet down the questioning .

    How long they can use generation(s) with more generation(s) on top of more generation(s).

    You have to admit they sure are brazen to change the words right out Jesus's mouth, but what else could they do,

    it was either that are drop 1914 altogether.

    Religions are full of lies to foster support for themselves, the Catholics have done it, the Mormons have done it ....etc.

    And each one has self proclaimed to be the one and true religion being guided by god and all the others false religions,

    thats an ironic irony in itself .

  • mP

    Look ill settle this once and for all.

    The generation that sees Armaggeddon is the generation spoken of in the Bible and highlighted by the WTS. The next question is what is Armaggeddon ? Well that can be anything you want and its going to happen in Heaven.

  • Larsinger58

    The WTS knows the rank and file will buy any "excuse" they come up with without thinking.

    It's ironic that many things that clearly are incorrect, the rank and file reject because they can't think without the Watchtower next to them. But some of those same arguments if they appeared in the Watchtower magazine would be gobbled up as "new light!"

    The rank and file are not a group of thoughtful, reflective or reasoning individuals. The fact that they have not noticed anything wrong by now is proof of that. The truly awake all have left by now. I think the GB is dead set on being the best false prophet they can be since they are now considered apostate. The GB itself is likely amazed at how absent minded the flock is.


  • steve2
    The rank and file are not a group of thoughtful, reflective or reasoning individuals. The fact that they have not noticed anything wrong by now is proof of that. The truly awake all have left by now.

    LS has beautifully captured the essence of what I consider the "best"answer to this threads good question: JWs are not reflective individuals. The Watchtower won't need to dump the doctrine. 1914's irrelevance and erroneousness are obvious to anyone with half an active brain. That the witnesses continue to sing the praises of doctrinal apathy is testimony to an old adage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

    In this regard, JWs are as sleepy and dull-minded as the nominal members of the churches of Christendom they once red-facedly condemned.

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