Why I Hate Religion

by Christ Alone 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • botchtowersociety

    Some people on this thread need grow up.

    You atheists are hardly showing yourselves paragons of rationality and polite discourse.

    And you, Sulla, sully what it means to be Catholic.

    This could have been an interesting discussion.

  • N.drew
    He's out to "save" us heathens

    OR ...he's here to demonstrate that believers in Christ Jesus who is Yehoshua are not alone.

    You all look silly when you post that you can read hearts. You do not know why he has come. And neither do I.

  • james_woods

    I just have one simple question:

    Has Christ Alone / Brother Dan completely disappeared?

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Sulla: You might think that way if you stopped your education after a year in community college, SBC.

    Well, there's no doubt that I'm unlettered but it doesn't take a Ph.D to pick the pope out of a lineup. He's the one with the silliest hat.

    At any rate, you've demonstrated that a degree doesn't necessarily equate to rational thinking.

    I keep inviting you to engage in reality, but posting your google images makes you feel too good:

    I won't deny that I take great pleasure in making fun of your inflated sense of self. It just happens that your pretentious ego is analagous to your pope. See what I mean?

    What a hoot, this guy!

    confirms your old bigotry

    Does it hurt Sulla's feelings when a "community college dropout" makes fun of his leader? Alright, I'm sorry. I think your pope's pimp hats are badass!

    and your sense of self-worth, derived from getting rid of the JWs, all at once. Drink it up, my man.

    I will, and thank you for your blessing. But, to clarify, I enjoy giving you shit strictly because of your Vatican-sized monstrosity of an ego. Otherwise, I'd have no motivation to make fun of your preferred myth. You just made a big deal out of your education, income, poo consistency, etc..... so I thought I'd borrow your religion's self-inflicted caricature to deflate you a bit.

    Personally, I'd like to buy you for what you're worth and sell you for what you think you're worth.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    well someone got their 15 minutes of fame. OOOohhh the scary catholic guy that sees no eveil with it's history such as the Spanish Inquisition. Well another internet hero to praise. Let' all become Catholics now because he says so

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    OTWO: Has Christ Alone / Brother Dan completely disappeared?

    I think so. He hasn't posted on any threads since this one.

  • Diest

    I like how christians claim that all the bad people are just not following jesus and poor jesus just can't do anything to stop them. Please. 'God' had a resposibility to stop the Catholics from 400-1500. They were pretty much the only game in town and he let them run amuck. He didn't do much better when the protestants came along. It is no different from the fig tree that jesus yelled at for not producing fruit. The religion was not baring any fruit, and he should have done something to stop them. He didnt.

    To me that is some of the greatest evidence that there is not some god that cares. For every wonderful 'love your neighbor as yourself,' scripture there is coresponding scripture that does something evil like allowing slavery to continue.

  • N.drew

    If something unforeseen happens the best someone can do is to help the survivers and to clean up the damage.

    Doesn't time and unforeseen occurrence mean just one thing each? Time is one thing. Or isn't it? I am tending to believe Ecclesiates 9:11 that says "time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all" means one occurrence. That occurrence I shall theorize means the deflection away from the Christ.

  • Diest

    You can make up whatever excuse you want for an omnipotant god. It still does not change his responsibiity.

  • tornapart

    Organised 'christianity' is NOT true christianity. They are not teaching Christ, they are teaching doctirnes of men and assuming power with everything bad that goes with it. Jesus condemned the Pharisees for this. A true christian follows Jesus and is not a part of any man made religion.

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