Want honest answers

by independenthinker 73 Replies latest jw experiences

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Hey IT!

    You are way ahead of the game! I only figured out what you have when I was 40 years old!

    i love reading, and well. .. i couldnt help but find the societys info on "Independent thinking" rather orwellian

    BTW - this is the number one reason why the society doesn't wan kids in college: INDEPENDENT aka CRITICAL THINKING

    Because once you start using your BRAIN like you're supposed to, you see all of the nonsense.

    Take it easy, don't move to fast, you have your whole life ahead of you! You'll be fine.

  • unshackled
    sorry if im not replying to everone, im typing on my ps3, takes ages.

    Welcome independenthinker and congrats on making it this far. If the above is true, you must have the tenacity and perseverance of the honey badger. I think you're going to do just fine.

  • Ding


    By all means read Crisis of Conscience.

    It should be available through your library system.

  • independenthinker

    school tomorrow, need to go. just wanted to say thank you so much. you "apostates" are nothing like the society teaches. ive learnt they tell me what to know, but you guys want me to find out what i know. the cult aspect is the first thing i read up on. i know now why they didn't want us seeing any other sides. thanks again. i'll let you guys know how i get on.

  • jwfacts

    Welcome. You have chosen a great name.

    "you've showed a line of independent thinking and an independent spirit, which is very serious"

    That is a really enlightening comment from the elder, and is an admission that to be a JW you need to be a mindless follower. It is common requirement for any high control group.

    I had a similar experience. What finally pushed me out was the elders told me to research and prove to myself the truth. I realised that I could not prove anything reading only one source (the Watchtower) so started to do a broad range of research. Watchtower information quickly fell apart as inaccurate and dishonest when compared to what I was reading in encylopedias and comparing Watchtower quotes with original sources. One day you will thank the elders for letting you realise the truth, as I now do.

    Do not feel depressed. What you have found out is for the best, and you have a whole life ahead of you still. There will be rough times ahead with family and friends but it does sort itself out in the long run.

    Most importantly, do not rush into making any changes, or talking about what you have found. You will need time to work out what you want to do, and discussing "apostate thinking" with parents or the elders will get you disfellowshipped and could put you in a tough situation with family and finances.


    Now if you really love that girl and fit together and plan to get married just proceed and get married.

    Ignore them. They will do nothing to you. They just want to control you and scare you to make you obey them. They do not have the right to DF or Mark you for marrying an unbeliever. They may pose other limitations though: like not to offer prayers, talks, ...

    If they want to hold a judicial committee against you strictly warn them that both LEGALLY AND BIBLICALLY THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO.

    Keep us informed.

  • independenthinker

    will do nolaw, ive not had privelages for the past 2 years. . know it was cause my brother left, but they told me it was because i needed a haircut. . .

    and jwfacts, thank you for your website. its brilliant.

    i dont know what to do about my mother. her heart was broken cause the others left, i cant break it more :( i was thinking of gathering research then showing it to her, i couldn't leave without her making her own mind up too. would 5 kids leaving not indicate something's up?what do you's think?

  • GLTirebiter

    If you're looking for honest answers, freeminds.org has them.

  • jwfacts

    Thank you.

    You cannot live your life to make your mother happy. It will not work out for the best for either party. What will likely eventually happen is you will get busted for doing something wrong and disfellowshipped, hurt her anyway, and then look back wondering why you wasted all those years in the meantime.

    Having 5 kids leave should ring alarm bells for her, but she has been indoctrinated to blame herself for not raising you properly, not blame the religion for being wrong. It is very sad. Normally I would say to leave older parents alone and not bother their belief system. However, if she has lost 5 children, it may be better to help her see the reality about the religion. It could be good to have some very gentle conversations with her about why you do not believe it to be the truth. But take your time to decide what to do, and do it very slowly.

  • palmtree67
    will do nolaw, ive not had privelages for the past 2 years. .........they told me it was because i needed a haircut. . .

    Of all the problems teenagers can get themselves into, needing a haircut should be the least of any parent's worries.

    That in itself screams "CULT!!"

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