Facts support meat (and animal protein) being a very minor part of human diet. That doesn't make us "meat-eaters" or carnivores , rather humans are primarily herbivores that occasionally can eat meat (e.g. Once a week as a maximum).
Personally I ate meat for 35 years of my life, and probably as much or more than most people. I quit because of the negative health effects. Since starting a plant based diet, my cholesterol, and blood pressure is better than people half my age. And generally I feel I have more energy. I eat meat maybe once every two months.
My kids have never eaten meat, or dairy products. They are much taller (and stronger) than their peers at school, and seem to be much better at sport and fitness activities. Despite my eldest son being a good 4 inches taller than his cousin who is 3 years older than him, my mum always says "Are you sure they get enough protein" and "how do they get calcium if they don't have dairy". It's these types of stereotypical responses that have no factual basis, and are primarily based on propaganda from the meat and dairy industries.