Red meat: What Makes It Unhealthy?

by Bangalore 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • Razziel

    Biometrics, I'm not saying you're wrong, just saying I'm not sold on it. There aren't written records, but we know through archeaology about what time period bows, nets and traps were invented, and yes, about when agriculture began. We do continue to find stone age tools afterall. That's not fiction, it's fact, unless you're a young earth creationist. Even then, I'll agree it doesn't necessarily prove anything about their diet. It may have been so difficult to catch large animals that it was more of a delicacy than a daily part of their diet. Who knows, they might have been happy with carrion left over from more capable predators.

  • biometrics

    @still thinking

    I don't think you can't have a ballanced diet without meat

    I'm not having a go at you personally, and that was my opinion a few years ago.

    It is entirely possible to have a balanced diet without meat (and dairy). My family does eat eggs (vitamin b12), and get all the protein we need from beans, potatoes, brown rice and green leafy vegetables.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Exactly biometrics...they have had thousands of years to adapt to that diet...and we have had thousands or years to adapt to our diet...and is our diet.

    If people wish to remove meat from their diet, that is up to them. As I said, I can see the health benefits in removing meat...or more specifically meat fat from our diets. But to claim that we shouldn't eat it is stretching it don't you think? I think that some people do better without meat, and some thrive with some meat. Just as we are not the same as the Inuits...we vary in our dietry needs. I don't think one size fits all when it comes to healthy diet.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You did read that properly didn't you says...I don't think you can't...not...I don't think you can...I know, I probably worded that a bit funny.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I find it interesting that you thrive on potatoes bio...I love potatoes...but they aren't good for me. When I remove them from my diet I feel a lot better. And you do realise they are from the night shade family don't you?

  • biometrics

    @still thinking

    ...and we have had thousands or years to adapt to our diet...and is our diet.

    No. The current western diet is less than one hundred years old. Go back in history a more than that and you'll see that the quantity of meat consumed has nearly doubled in that period. Also the amount of refined foods, and dairy has nearly tripled, while vegetables and whole food consumption has decreased.

    But to claim that we shouldn't eat it[meat] is stretching it don't you think?

    I don't think I ever claimed that anyone shouldn't eat meat. I'm claming that the evidence shows meat should be a very minor part of a healthy diet.

  • still thinking
    still thinking should be a lesser part of our diet......but...LOL...theres always a but isn't there....meat has been in our diets for a lot longer than 100 years. I do agree, we consume too much dairy.

  • biometrics


    All I'm saying is going back ten thousand years (or more) isn't necessary to prove that the current western diet is very unhealthy. Yes, I agree our ancestors ate meat. However, beyond 100 years ago the quantity and frequency of meat consumption was much less than it is today. And of course there are much worse things than meat such as dairy based food, refined foods, which were never part of our ancestor's diet. That’s something I think we can both agree on.

  • Razziel

    I think we're missing the important point here.

  • biometrics

    What are you trying to say? We shouldn't stick hot dogs up our butt

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