The Bible and Genetics

by sabastious 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EntirelyPossible

    I call a very small fraction of people on this forum names.

    Then saying "I don't call anyone anything" is a lie. It's similar to saying "I steal except from the very small group of people I steal from".

    I can't be subject to the conclusions of a deeply flawed individual.

    I don't consider you deeply flawed.

    You are bigot who's values his forum image more than his own person. A database of valueless facts and information, but absolutely no substance.

    And here you said you didn't call people things. Tsk tsk, pants on fire.

    An insidious move to control the minds of the JWN reader base.

    While it's flattering that you think I am so powerful as to control the minds of JWN by such subtle tactics and maneuvers, it's simply not true. That was not my goal to control minds.

    but it's serious business for this weirdo

    Tsk tsk, pants on fire, again.

    but I would leave EP to eat with the swine while he learned about their social norms.

    I prefer Mortons, Ruth's Chris, Delmonicos, Capitol Grille, Fleming's, Kenichi, Nobu, Del Frisco ... somewhere like that. And what great human compassion you are showing. We are learning so much about you.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It's an age old trick.

    I AM THAT I AM so I know all the old tricks. You know, I am rubber, you are glue, etc., etc..

  • thetrueone

    Sab, there's no question of that piece of Art you posted on your opening post is truly beautiful, the artist is very talented and skilled.

    But you must realize that one could also pick out a segment of another religious belief system, ancient or modern

    and turn that into a beautiful piece of Art as well.

    Yes it is possible to turn any expressive imaginative thought into Art.

    This is not science though, its more a wanting illusion entwined with human emotion, for better or worse its still an illusion.

    Aren't today's modern day religionists such as the JWS really professionally trained illusionists ?

    To use your own description then, the genetics of the ancients inspired men to strive for answers from the gods to

    toward (theirs) mankind's problems, the genetics of men in are era are more consumed to investigate answers by other means,

    more often than not by applying the scientific method.

    One notable fact that we can still hold on to today is that we are in the same human gene pool of the ancients that lived so many years ago.

  • EntirelyPossible

    One notable fact that we can still hold on to today is that we are in the same human gene pool of the ancients that lived so many years ago.

    Indeed, if one were so inclined, you could go further and plausibly make the claim that we are more human since we contain the DNA of many of the ancient humans, neanderthalis, habilis, floresiensis, ergaster, etc.

  • tec

    I haven't read past the beginnings of this thread. I will read it because I am interested in your theory, and it does not have to be perfect or even entirely accurate... just something to give pause and thought to, which I think is all most of us can hope to achieve. Thank you for what you said about me, Sab. I am also happy that you found a place to thrive. You are a sincere and honest person, and I will miss you, and I am sorry that you feel you must go... though I hope you will keep in touch. Have I sent you my e-mail? If not, please pm me, and I will send it to you.

    If you do just take a break and decide to come back... remember that you can ignore people, or at least refuse to engage. Most of the time, that shows strength, imo, and not weakness.

    Peace to you and your family, and especially that little one of yours. Children are our joy.

    Love Tammy

  • sabastious
    I don't consider you deeply flawed.

    That's because I am not. But your opinion, to me, is worth about as much as the amount the widow gave in the Jesus story.

    I could write a thesis on your psychosis and narcissism and it would likely propel me to PHd status. The quote above is a classic case of Humperdinckian Narcissism. This is only possible once a position of real authority has been established. He then uses that authority to create sympathy for himself. EP is not even technically real, he's just a computer program. That's why Shelby could throw tomes of amazing information at him and it just bounced off like rain water. He's NOT REAL. He was though. We are all real in the beginning. Something may have happened to him at an early age and he created a coping mechanism that worked to his genetic strengths, which are obviously logic and reason. However the flaw comes from the abscence of any real emotion. Anything portrayed comes off stale because he doesn't actually have the capacity to exhibit it himself. Emotion is entirely learned for this individial. Which is why he HAS NO CHOICE other than to be atheist. He admits this, but still tries to get other people to make that choice as well who obviously want to believe in a God where he CANNOT. That just makes him mad. Secretly, or even subconsciously, he hates the fact that he has no choice in the matter. Which means that he has a choice in the matter. This is evidenced by the cognitive dissoance he exhibits. The reason I know he is exhibiting it is because he has to get me to do something, or else. It's normal to try to twist someone's arm once or even twice, but for many many months you have what the medical community calls a dyfunctional mind. A bully. EP may need pills, but many men do and lack the capacity to care enough about themselves to get over themselves and get help. It's a common flaw and he'll likey take it to his grave.

    EP has called himself "my executive" in another discussion. This is obviously because he believes my actions to be similar to what his kids will be like in the future. His mind has no choice but to try to understand the world of emotion by OBSERVING IT. I am a good case study. Unfortunately his feeler is broken for whatever reason most likely involving the past. He believes me to be childish rebel without a cause. This is a perfect scientific environment to observe what may be coming soon for him as a father.

    Really, it's touching because it shows that he loves his kids, however what he has done to me on this forum is abhorrent. Hopfully he'll learn to seek help understanding the "feeling world" in more appropriate ways in the future.

    So, no EP, you are right. You don't portray me to be a flawed person. You portray me to be a fence post, like you view the rest of the human species as individuals especially women and children. But what's a poor crazy person's opinion like mine worth these days? From the amount of attention it has gotten from EP, it must be worth something fierce because I would never in my right mind follow someone around for months demanding answers in the most childish ways. I have more adult things to take care of.


  • sabastious

    How can a narcissist love you ask? Well the answer is in a funny way. I have a friend who is deathly afraid of water. When I asked him why he said that his father when he was young, took him to the lake and dropped him in a deep spot. To him this was loving because he was forcing his child to either sink or swim, to become a man or not. He was there after all. What he ended up with was a 19 year old who couldn't get in the water, at all. The father in the story WAS exhibiting love, however very, very little emotion. This is evidence that Love is a foundational than evolved.


  • EntirelyPossible

    That's because I am not.

    So I am right. Again.

    BTW, that reminds me, since you want to bring up things from other threads, you said I had told you what you to stop doing things. Have you come up with that evidence yet?

    I could write a thesis on your psychosis and narcissism and it would likely propel me to PHd status.

    That would be awesome for you. Bit of advice, though, it requires science and facts, with backing evidence. You may have trouble with that part. I can help though, if you need it. I routinely write things using science, facts and evidence.

    EP is not even technically real, he's just a computer program.

    Uh oh, are you starting to think you a Neo?

    This is obviously because he believes my actions to be similar to what his kids will be like in the future.

    Of course not. My kids already know, at 9 and 12, how science works. I don't think i referred to myself as your executive, specifically. Could you please show where I did? In any event, I referred to executives, it was in the context of getting coaching before speaking and presenting. It was an offer to help coach you and strengthen your ideas instead of, as you are, resorting to personal attacks.

    It's childish and petty and really doesn't help your case.

    EP may need pills

    Not sure why this is your business, but my erections work just fine, thanks for taking an interest.

    I have more adult things to take care of.

    Like saying goodbye five times and not leaving? Calling people names and claiming that calling people names isn't really calling people names? Telling lies?

    So, no EP, you are right.

    Just keep that in mind and you'll do alright, sport.

  • sabastious
    Thank you for what you said about me, Sab. I am also happy that you found a place to thrive. You are a sincere and honest person, and I will miss you, and I am sorry that you feel you must go... though I hope you will keep in touch. Have I sent you my e-mail? If not, please pm me, and I will send it to you.

    Tec you are a stronger person than I. I aspire to be as humble and well mannered as you. Frankly, I have felt jealously towards you because you are able to keep your cool so well while remaining true to yourself. It's such a endearing virtue. You must be made of nothing less than angel dust. EntirelyPossible, on the other hand, will cut your head off say no emotion was involved and I didn't believe him at first. I gave him some credit where I was told specifically NOT to. Now I know why I shouldn't have in ways I didn't want to know. Until the man is removed from the premesis I will take my words elsewhere. I will give you my info in PM.


  • EntirelyPossible

    The father in the story WAS exhibiting love, however very, very little emotion. This is evidence that Love is a foundational than evolved.

    Is the moral of this story that your dad made you do science and use critical thinking skills at a young age?

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