The Bible and Genetics

by sabastious 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EntirelyPossible

    EntirelyPossible, on the other hand, will cut your head off say no emotion was involved and I didn't believe him at first.

    No one made you start telling lies and calling names. You did that all by yourself. I don't mind you blaming me, I really don't. You should at least TRY to take responsibility for what you said, though.

    And we do agree on something, Tec is a sweetheart.

  • sabastious
    Is the moral of this story that your dad made you do science and use critical thinking skills at a young age?

    You're nothing more than one of Professor Moriarty's temporary flings. You are the first on Darth Vader's choke list. I have nothing more to say to you.


  • EntirelyPossible

    I have nothing more to say to you.

    Ok. Once again, bye. When you get back, you can apologize for the lies then. Truth never forgets.

  • thetrueone

    Sab says.....

    I have a lot of anger because of what has happened to me throughout my life and my genetic struggles with mental illness.

    In any case, I hope you eventually find your way completely detached from your psychological problems in to the future.

    You seem to be like a good sort of fellow, honestly trying to look for answers to your own problems as we all do !

    By the way don't ever throw your young child into a deep part of a lake to teach them how to swim.

    My own father did that to me when I was about 5 or 6, I had deeply scared psychological problems for a long time afterward as a result and it didn't

    really help in my swimming ability at all.

    One thing we have to regrettably accept is are older parents know little of human psychology, in similar fashion to the ancients in biblical times,

    there's that genetic connection once again.

  • Flat_Accent

    Joining the wolf pack eh? I would have given you nothing but a cordial discussion. As you can see it takes pervasive stalking and put downs to enrage me, but you are free to look like a groupie even though we both know you are not in the slighest.

    haha, well let's just say I knew where it was going - and it was nowhere productive. You are stuck to your ideas, and that's fine. We both have strong opinions, and like I said to you in the last comment, there was no point to continue because it would just become a shouting/insult match. And that's exactly what has happened.

    Your departure was short-lived then?

  • sabastious
    Your departure was short-lived then?

    Hello Flat_Accent,

    If you came to my thread with the intention to change my ideas, then you should not have come to my thread. Your post seems to indicate that you thought that changing my ideas was possible upon entering. That is why you chose to end the conversation with honor because you knew that YOU may degrade to name calling because of my firm stance on what YOU believe to be wrong. I would have not retaliated unless you chose to do so first. After that I would have determined your intention and if I saw that it was malicious I would defend myself. This is what happened between me and EP and would NOT have happened between you and I. I assure you, friend. I respect you and the questions you came up with. You are sharp and honorable. A stark contrast to people like EP and their egos. Keep up the good work.

    But, that's not even what the thread was about nor why I post on the forum. I want to exchange ideas, not put them head to head, that's EntirePossible's game. Not that I don't mind a little head to head, but there is no need to insist that we enter some sort of battle to the death. I am not rude, nor have I been rude to anyone on the forum including EP. I may have come across rude out of anger, but my emotional state to a point is hidden from the readers. EntirelyPossible has been following me around the forum for many months now. He doesn't like that I state my ideas sometimes conclusively even though I lack empirical evidence for the assertion. Empirical evidence is not required to come to solid conclusions only OFFICIAL conclusions. I am not making signs, I am just stating opinion. Personal belief can be portrayed as fact because it IS a fact within the mind of the individual. If I say that my name is Thomas and someone who knows me calls me a liar because my actual name is Frank Thomas then both individuals have a valid logical position. If I then tell that person that I go by my second name and he then insists that I am lying to everybody then that person just has an agenda. EntirelyPossible is a very troubled person. He's a special needs kitty. Until those needs are at the very least not being catered to I will not be posting here any longer. I only want to be part of communities that care about the safey of their posters and readers. That is not JWN with the way EntirelyPossible struts around demanding evidence like he's some sort of crime scene detective or something. Ego mania should be squashed not encouraged.


  • sabastious
    You seem to be like a good sort of fellow, honestly trying to look for answers to your own problems as we all do !

    Thank you True, I appreciate the sentiment. It is very true.


  • EntirelyPossible

    This is what happened between me and EP and would NOT have happened between you and I

    I dunno if we can trust you. You lied and called people names several times today. Rather childish. Speaking of which, have you come up with proof of that which you accused me?

    Plus, this is starting to feel like the Beatles, "Hello Goodbye"

    I am not rude, nor have I been rude to anyone on the forum including EP.

    Lying about me, calling me insidious, referring to others as baboons ... I hate to break it to you, but all of that is rude.

    EntirelyPossible has been following me around the forum for many months now.

    I know you want this to be about you, but, sorry, I just ain't that interested. Had I been following you, I would have posted on EVERY thread you did. As it was, I happened to post when I noticed you did. Sorry, noticing something right in front of me isn't stalking you. If that's what you want, someone to stalk you, I suggest Craigslist.

    Speaking of behavioral issues, have you managed to come up with proof of the things you accused me of?

    If I say that my name is Thomas and someone who knows me calls me a liar because my actual name is Frank Thomas then both individuals have a valid logical position. If I then tell that person that I go by my second name and he then insists that I am lying to everybody then that person just has an agenda.

    Except that's not what happened. False analogy is false. You made a negative claim about me, one easily proven. So far, not only have you failed to show any proof of your claims, but they have descended into personal attacks, false assumptions stated as fact and more outright lies.

    Sorry crackerjack, when you post it, it's online for all to see. A false analogy doesn't erase history. Speaking of which, got that proof of the claim you made about me?

    That's really all I am after, an apology or to clear up what you said, if it's true, then I will apologize, happily and immediately.

    EntirelyPossible is a very troubled person. He's a special needs kitty.

    I am troubled, and I do have special needs. Like, do I pack my golf clubs when I go out town next week? I will have a special need for oversize luggage with the airline if I do, and I might not have time to play golf.

    Oh, my troubles! Whatever shall I do?

    Until those needs are at the very least not being catered to I will not be posting here any longer.

    And yet, here you are. Again. And again. And again.

    That is not JWN with the way EntirelyPossible struts around demanding evidence like he's some sort of crime scene detective or something. Ego mania should be squashed not encouraged.

    Agreed 100%. That's why I keep asking for evidence. I don't want you to think you can libel and lie about other posters and not get asked about it until it's cleared up. Ego issues that allow you think you can get away with that are best dealt with head on.

    At the end of the day, I AM THAT I AM helping you out.

  • sabastious

     Nine at the top means: He does not serve kings and princes, Sets himself higher goals. Not every man has an obligation to mingle in the affairs of the world. There are some who are developed to such a degree that they are justified in letting the world go its own way and refusing to enter public life with a view to reforming it. But this does not imply a right to remain idle or to sit back and merely criticize.Such withdrawal is justified only when we strive to realize in ourselves the higher aims of mankind. For although the sage remains distant from the turmoil of daily life, he creates incomparable human values for the future. I CHING 18
  • EntirelyPossible

    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

    - Animal House

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