The Bible and Genetics

by sabastious 132 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    PART VI: The Game

    How Far they had Fallen

    Israel, led by their new morally grey leader, are freed from the confines of Egypt as they travel through the red sea leaving behind a drowned Egyptian army representing the large, yet powerless, force that Egypt had become. At the end of the climax they sing praises to YHWH. The people are getting a show, but the two main characters are becoming weary. YHWH is regreting starting the Game in the first place. So much death had now come as a result of the prophecy he uttered in the beginning. Which started the Game and gave the Serpent it's true power. Adam and Eve could have remained in an incubative state and allowed to grow in ways that didn't require things like war and infanticide. But his creation used the Logic, Love and Independance he gave them to make their choice. He knows he plays a part in the Game, a game he seems powerless to stop.

    The Game

    When the choice was made, the rules were that to get the humans back YHWH had to defeat the Serpent with his own creation. That's why the Serpent does what he does, he's trying to make it harder for YHWH to win. He does this by misleading the whole world into factions. By doing this he effectively makes war an obstacle to success. He makes death and destruction and general chaos an obstruction to victory. He does this while achieving his own purposes: to live through Men of Renown while YHWH fights his empire. That's why Eve said "the Serpent decieved me." Because the Serpent had an agenda. To commandeer the entire human race and live through all the awesome lives possible through our eyes.

    So, when YHWH said that Eve's "seed" will bruise the Serpent in the head, he is saying that he will emerge victorious. However this is only after a bruise to her seed's heel. This is essentially YHWH saying, "You will win battles, but not the war." This is because he calls his creation "good" as in "not evil" in Genesis 1 which is a cornerstone of the while Bible Document. But when the Serpent is playing the Game, he will make sure YHWH cannot achieve his goals without some sort of hinderence. The story to this point has been a series of chess moves by two clear opponents. YHWH and the Serpent.

    The Draconian Curse

    Moses was half evil because he was half Egyptian in the story. This represents all the darkness that the Serpent had put together to defend against the Light to that point. Moses contained HALF of it. However Moses also contained the traits of Joseph and the Ornate Bloom. This clash of genetic traits created a super leader who had the ability to make decisions like destroying entire civilizations. Moses was both a blessing and a curse. He could create entire systems of law and thought outside the box. This was likely from his Egyptian roots which came from the Serpent. Unfortunately, the ways of the Egyptians were very class based. Because of this we have to assume that Moses indeed has both YHWH and the Serpent within him. What comes out is a mix of religious philosophy, government, hygiene and various other concepts that were revolutionary for his time. However the pride of Moses was great, so he enforced it upon his people like a tyrannical dictator. Moses should be considerd no better than men like Draco of Athens. A visionary, but also a force of tyranny. Moses was an early cult leader and YHWH needed him to fulfil his own words and win the Game with the pieces given.

    YHWH decides to take little part in the Draconian leadership of the Half Blood. He chooses to give him 10 basic laws of which to start off with knowing that Moses would exponentially expand them. This was the creation of the Jewish Oral Law of which Moses truely believed was from YHWH and wrote it down as such. However the laws are obviously his own and do not entirely reflect the values of the YHWH character in whole.

    The Arena

    YHWH is depicted as not really being happy at all. He is questioning the whole mission while Moses tells him everything is going to be alright and that they had a job to do. Moses was eager to command the new Hebrew/Egyptian Nation of Israel to make a name for themselves. However the task at hand was to take a rag tag group of recent mind controllees lead by a possible madman into the world of the Serpent. YHWH's frustration throughout the story and subsequant actions are a window into the subconscious mind of what Moses refered to as God who came to him and spoke to him as a burning bush. Stumbling, but alive and with an army, YHWH enters the Arena, Bronze Age style.


  • sabastious

    Science has been used to manipulate people ever since the inception of the scientific method.

    How so?

    When a shark asks you to come swim with him your best bet is to just shoot it with a harpoon gun, or get a bigger boat. I happen to like sharks however. The whole Victorian era is a bunch of people finding out about science and setting up shop. Some were called seances, some were called churches and many others we'll never know existed. But all were just misunderstood sciences being used knowingly and unknowingly to manipulate the minds of others, usually for profit and labor. This is a consistant theme throughout history. Even the faith healers and the smooth talking preachers were novice psychologists without knowing it. The placebo effect is a scientific phenomenon that has been used to mislead countless. I'm not entirely interested in that debate, however, but you are free to speak.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Apparently, this is not a debate nor does Sab. want to debate. It's a soapbox for a speech.

    Alrighty then, I will stick to commenting on the opening post.

    What the Bible is at it's core is scientific art. The word art is very important because being such demands the reader take as many angles as necessary to digest the material. It's a book written by the people and for the people. An ancient mostly secret bill of human rights.

    HUMAN RIGHTS? Which humans? Eliminate 50% off the bat because women are secondary to men in the Bible. We could debate how it eliminates everyone who was not "the seed" of Abraham, but you don't want to debate. I could just stick to reminding you about the genocide and slavery when attempting to call the Bible a book of human rights.

    I suppose "art" is okay for the Bible because art is subjective. Different people see different things in art. Some people ignore all the blood and gore of a horror movie and focus on the wonderful period costumes.

    I do wish everyone could see the Bible as just art and not communication with God. It is indeed written by the people, but never FOR the people. It was (debatedly) started by priests and politicos to control the people. Blame the priests and politicos if you want, but we do take weapons away from murderers.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Sab's motto... "Don't debate, obfuscate! Or lie. Or make up whatever sounds good at the moment. I'm right, dammit! Someone take me seriously! GUUUUYS!"

  • mP


    nobody has wver used rvelation to extract a prophecy. examine the links i gave and do a little'hinest research that explains all'symbolism in rev and how it relates to'nero and it all'adds up. why lie to yourself and pretend it has a message from god? why could nt you do the honest thing and say my points are true ahd your reasoning is contrived and lies. you find a scriptyure that says snake and automatically assume its satan even though its not.

  • sabastious
    Sab's motto... "Don't debate, obfuscate! Or lie. Or make up whatever sounds good at the moment. I'm right, dammit! Someone take me seriously! GUUUUYS!"

    You are a liar and I an artist who seeks truth. Evidence of your deciet and agenda to discredit my name, rather than words, is spelled out by my response to S+G on this page (7648). As it states clearly this blog is not about being right, unless I am the liar you say (you are free to hold that incorrect stance on my character). It's about interpreting ancient scientific art and the search for one's maker. Hexagram 38 in the I Ching: "Nine in the second place means: One meets his lord in a narrow street. No blame."

    OTWO: I do wish everyone could see the Bible as just art and not communication with God.

    If you feel this blog is about proving the Bible over other cultures, systems and times then you are putting words into it. This blog is about defending the Bible from the Atheist Birds of Prey on this forum and the entire internet who wish to see it turn to Ash as quickly as possible. I don't set out to convert atheists, but to offer hope to believers not in the Bible, but their maker.

    nobody has wver used rvelation to extract a prophecy. examine the links i gave and do a little'hinest research that explains all'symbolism in rev and how it relates to'nero and it all'adds up. why lie to yourself and pretend it has a message from god? why could nt you do the honest thing and say my points are true ahd your reasoning is contrived and lies. you find a scriptyure that says snake and automatically assume its satan even though its not.

    Revelation will have a perfectly logical stand alone explanation. That explanation I am not very concerned with. What I am concerned with is it's inclusion as the Last Chapter in the Bible. I believe it holds special significance because of when the Bible was cannonized not any reason pertaining to it's original purposes.

    To illustrate lets say if someone made a YouTube video with clips from a bunch of movies which ended up being the length of an average movie. When interpreting the YouTube movie's message you could just look at the clips and think about the ideas they represent in the whole, which is the YouTube video not the movies from the clips. You could choose to watch the movies they were from, but that's not necessarily required. A contrary message to the original intention of the YouTube video could be concluded upon if you relied soley on the movies rather than the compilation of clips.


  • EntirelyPossible

    You are a liar and I an artist who seeks truth. Evidence of your deciet and agenda to discredit my name, rather than words, is spelled out by my response to S+G on this page (7648).

    Then show where I have lied, Sab. Please. I am asking to, sincerly, for your own soul. You made several claims about me, about the Bible, and failed to back any of them of up despite multiple chances. I will NOT debate your fantasy world, as you obfuscate when backed into a corner. I will not, however, let your lies, particularly those about me, go unchallenged.

    I do not seek to discredit you at all. I could do not better job at that than you yourself do. You are a master in that field.

    Plus, you didn't link to a page.

  • sabastious
    Then show where I have lied, Sab. Please. I am asking to, sincerly, for your own soul. You made several claims about me, about the Bible, and failed to back any of them of up despite multiple chances. I will NOT debate your fantasy world, as you obfuscate when backed into a corner. I will not, however, let your lies, particularly those about me, go unchallenged.

    ob·fus·cate /'äbf??skat/

    1. Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
    2. Bewilder (someone).

    I'll take the second definition for 1000, Alex.

    bewildered past participle, past tense of be·wil·der
    Cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused: "she seemed frightened and bewildered"; "a bewildering array of desserts".
    NVL: Plus, you didn't link to a page.

    THIS page means THIS page. If you ever climb down from cloud nine you will be able to see the forest for the trees.

    NVL: Then show where I have lied, Sab.

    You said "Sab's motto...I'm right, dammit!" which was contrary to my response to S+G a few posts above the wrong assertion. You have not failed to read it, you are simply identifying it as untrue in your head. I will not debate in YOUR fantasy world. If you would like to join this dicussion I have 6 parts already and by the end all the parts I find pertinent to genetics will be there. It will be connected to the Bible in the way I believe was it's original intention. I don't believe in scripture snippets because it reminds me of Nazi mind control. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you in the future.


  • sabastious
    I do not seek to discredit you at all. I could do not better job at that than you yourself do. You are a master in that field.

    This itself is an attempt at discrediting. You are a perplexing fellow. You yourself in another thread admitted that you following me around for many months has been because I challenge you and you don't like it. It's really that simple. You purport that it's really about me wanting to have a piece of some sort of proverbial pie, but that's simply not true. I am answering your challenge in my own way that should not have surprised you, and yet here we are knee deep in your bewilderment. I am losing patience with you. Please respect my thread and my wishes. Both of us should refrain from accusing the other of shady dealings even though it's obvious that both believe in such underhanded tactics present in the other party. Only God and the people know now.


  • EntirelyPossible

    You said "Sab's motto...I'm right, dammit!" which was contrary to my response to S+G a few posts above the wrong assertion. You have not failed to read it, you are simply identifying it as untrue in your head. I will not debate in YOUR fantasy world.

    Oh sab. You don't debate at all. And what I said wasn't an assertion about what you literally say, it was a joke. You should lighten up.

    However, you claiming that I was telling you to stop saying things was clearly a lie. You have had multiple chances to prove it, yet have failed.

    God, if he existed, would be shamed to have someone that has to lie about other people representing him. I can only shudder to think how Jesus would feel having a liar representing him. Satan, after all, if the father of the lie. You don't want to be his child, do you? If, as you suggest, God chose Abraham because of righteous genetics is true, then your lies would be genetically linked with Satan, making him YOUR father.

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