by still thinking 778 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP


    genesis has nothing to do w/ answering why god let your father be bad for lack of a better word when you were born. it also doesnt explain gods priorities for supposedly helping you but ignoring those millions of africans. the simple fact is younlooked on the internet and found your dad. it was probbly not the first time but lots of ppl find past ppl in their life that they have not seen. it happens everyday on facebook too many who dont ask god.

    your latter part of your reply is just convoluted nonsense that xians invent so they can blame satan for bad stuff and praise god for good.the reason you say it would be complicated to explain is because that story is nonsense, stupid and a lie.

    comeon why would anyone stop and listen to a talking snake. the rest of the story continues and is equally preposterous. nobnody today would listen and obey a talking anything if it told you something as stupid as what the nake said. if i put a radio in a tree and told you to give your house or car to the first man wearing a blue hat would you listen ? of course not.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'd listen to a talking snake mP...I'd be fascinated to hear what it had to say....LOL although I am guessing it wouldn't have a very enlighted view of the world.

    sizemik....Is that all you have left to say on the matter?

  • mP


    watch a little tv im sure you hav seen those stories about camps of death where millions of sudanese live. are we to honestly believe they never asked for help from god, or thast god couldnt figure out thy need help ?

    so you used the internet to find someone, it haapens everyday, theres no miracle in that, its te hnology.

  • mP


    god didnt help job, hes the one who made a bet that killed jobs family. who needs friends like that ?

  • mP


    go read job 38in a non nwt bible, where they actually translate allthe words. job has something interesting to tell you.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    te that maori for technology? LOL

  • mP


    well doctors today have the cadaceus the snake god of healing so anything is possible.

  • palmtree67

    At the risk of sounding insane, I'll tell you why I said earlier that I feel like I was "led" out of the JW's......

    For many years, I would occassionally wake up for weeks at a time at the same time every morning - 6:07 am. Look at the clock and go back to sleep....

    When I was first df'ed, I was desperate to get back in. But with time on my hands, I decided to research some of the teachings, etc that I never really had time to do before.

    I knew there was controversy over 607 vs. 586 BCE and it was the first thing I wanted to put to rest in my mind.

    Well, I did. And finding out the truth about that set me mentally free from the JW's very quickly.

    Since settling that issue in my mind, I no longer experience that waking up at 6:07 am for weeks at a time.

  • mP


    god didnt lead you out of the jws. you obviously double checked a lot of facts and made a decision. if god really cared for you he would have told you tyo avoid them from the start, after all why would god let his childredn walk into a false religion.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Could that be coincidence though palmtree?

    I'll share something odd with partner has an innate ability to KNOW what time it is...he has PROVEN this to me time and time again (excuse the pun)...he does not wear a watch, but I do. But I always ask what time it is......and he always knows...almost exactly to the minute EVERY time...without fail. How the hell does he do that?

    This is what makes me wonder about coincidence and if it really is, or if the universe is so connected with everything else that some people are just more connected than others, or sometimes we are more tuned in than others because of what we are thinking....

    That's quite out there I suppose...but I do wonder sometimes.

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