What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?

by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Sunspot

    Favorite overlooked movies: "With Honors" with Brandon Fraser and Joe Pesci......Pesci plays a homeless man and Fraser is a college student, I LOVED this movie

    "Butterflies are Free" with Goldie Hawn and Edward Albert, Goldie Hawn is a free spirit who moves next door to a blind man (Albert). She is her usual nutty self!

    "Magic" where Anthony Hopkins plays a ventriloquist

    A couple of movies I'll watch again and again: "Arthur", "Mrs. Doubtfire", "Unfaithfully Yours" (Dudley Moore version), "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", and "Imitation of Life".

    Shredded families and ruined lives;
    The WBTS has MUCH to answer for......



  • KissAFish

    DEBBIE DOES DALLAS.... ( a classic)...LOL

  • GentlyFeral


    Is someone has seen the french's movie: Amlie Poulain ?

    YES! It was delightful and bewildering, but I actually prefer Delicatessen and City of Lost Children (from the same director).

    Gently Feral

  • gilwarrior

    It is nice to see a old thread of mine resurrected. And speaking of resurrection, GentlyFarel, the director of Amelie also directed Alien: Resurrection.

  • 144thousand_and_one

    10,000 Maniacs - what a trip that film was!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Favourite overlooked films:

    A New Leaf - Walter Matthau, Elaine May 1971
    Night of the Comet - Robert Beltran, Catherine Mary Stewart 1984
    Without a Clue - Ben Kingsley, Michael Caine 1988
    Evil Under the Sun - Peter Ustinov, Maggie Smith, James Mason 1982
    The Stunt Man - Peter O'Toole, Barbara Hershey, Steve Railsback 1980

    There are more, but these are all I could think of right now. I love movies!

  • BeautifulGarbage

    An Imitation of Life. 1959 with Lana Turner. Good movie. Main plot is a bit trite(Poor widow becomes famous actress). But, the subplot takes on racism and "passing". And for the time, a very honest and painful, take at it.

    Bulworth with Warren Beatty and Halle Barry. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. Original plot and outrageously hilarious with a ton of cussing. Gets a little preachy though, and I had to ignore the overt liberal "message" being sent. Still, it's worth it just for the "crap cakes" scene. Probably one of the reasons this movie didn't get more Oscar nominations.

    Welcome to the Dollhouse An independent film. A nerdy girl's hellish ride through puberty. Older nerdy brother and "princess" younger sister. If you like quirky films, this is one of them.


  • TR

    "Being There" with Peter Sellers. Sad and funny.


  • Swan

    And the envelope please...

    Favorite Overlooked Comedy: The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert

    Favorite Overlooked Sci-Fi: Time After Time

    Favorite Overlooked Western: Quigley Down Under

    Favorite Overlooked Drama: Phenomenon

    Favorite Overlooked Romance: Hanover Street

    BTW: Another movie that mentions JWs is Throw Mama From the Train.

  • Scarlet


    Cutting Edge

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