I'll second "Mumford." I love that flick!
What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?
by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment
The Alchemist
Buffalo 66 About a guy who after gets out of prison and has to go to the bathroom real real bad. So he kidnapps Christi Ricca and has her go with him to his parents house and pretend to be his wife. It's strange and funny. Best line Parolee to Christi Ricca: "If you mess up I will kill you right there, Boom, shoot you dead right there in front of Mummie and Daddy. But if you do good, well I will be your best friend for the rest of your life. Now start the car."
Smoke Signals--awesome movie, just got done talking with a friend just the other night about how great that movie was!
My favorite movie that got little attention is one by Sidney Portier. I really love Sidney. It was several movies after the "Heat of The Night" at which time he was at the height of his career. This film did not come to local theatres at all. Fortunately I lived in New York City and was able to catch it at a first run premier movie theatre on Broadway. The movie was called "Brother John". In it Sidney played a strange man who grew up poor in a southern town and left home early.
He had no contact with his family but would always seem to show up when someone was about to die and be there at the time they passed. It was a rather complex but extremely interesting film. To net out the plot. Though it was never outwardly said they lead you to believe Brother John was a angel sent to travel around the World to see whether mankind was worthy of continuing to exist.
Local law enforcement suspected Brother John had come to town to be a union organizer at their big Plant in town and to stir trouble. They investigated him and searched his apartment. They discovered he had passports for every country in the World (even behind the iron curtain), could speak almost any language, and many other surprising talents.
No one seemed to have an inkling of who he truly was but the Old Doctor in town who delivered him as a baby. The old doctor helped Brother John escape frm prison at the end. Brother John told him he was going to give his report that the world was too wicked to continue existing and said the final wind was coming. The final scene was the wind blowing through the town. It was very profound in a lot of ways. I thought it was one of Sidneys best movies although little known.
Edited by - zechariah on 16 September 2002 2:34:31
Portrait Of Dorian Grey---Black &white version of course! Best movie ever!!!!!!!!
Keep up the good work and post more favorite moveis. My wife and I are enjoying some of them already!
I'm sure it has been said already, but it is worth repeating Amelie...RAWKS THE CASBAH, AND SHOCKS THE MONKEY!
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels--also great! (If you're into that type of thing)
Mystery Science Theater 3000-The Movie--Cracks me up no matter how often I have seen it...
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon R: the Movie. :-p