What Is Your Favorite Overlooked Movie?

by gilwarrior 137 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Seeker

    Joe versus the Volcano: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0099892

    Written by the guy who wrote Moonstruck. Starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan (for the first time), and totally ignored by everyone (or else hated). I just love this movie, but I view it for more than just the surface story. If you watch it and take everything you see absolutely literally, it's a silly movie that seems juvenile at times. If you watch it and see the underlying message, it's one of the most profound message movies I've seen, and truly can be life-changing (neat exJW metaphor as well).

    Plus it's just fun to see Hank and Ryan (who plays three different characters, and yes, there's an underlying message to that as well) play so well together. It's lyrical, beautiful movie that I can watch again and again...and everyone else thinks is a lousy movie cuz they're too busy looking at the surface.

  • ashitaka

    Autumn Sonata, by Ingmar Bergman........

  • sadiejive

    Real Men
    I saw this movie when I was a teenager. It had John Ritter (Three's company) and James Belushi. I can't remember the entire plot but I do remember that it was hilarious. I have never met another person who has ever seen this movie.

    Does anyone remember the mini-series "V"?
    I loved that. Aliens visited the earth and they looked like us. Later on, we find out that they are in disguise and are actually these lizard looking creatures. I believe it later became a "soap" but didn't last very long.


  • tyydyy

    Good thread!

    Nate & Hayes 1983
    An action-packed, swashbuckling adventure, Nate and Hayes stars Tommy Lee Jones as the notorious real-life buccaneer, Captain "Bully" Hayes, and Michael O'Keefe as the young Reverend Nate.

    The story takes place in the mid-1800's on the South Pacific islands where murderous raids and bloody battles were not uncommon. A cut-throat gang led by the villainous Ben Pease (Max Phipps) has brutally interrupted the wedding ceremony of Nate and Sophie (Jenny Seagrove). After abducting Sophie, Pease teams up with a German Count (Grant Tilly). Together, they plan to take over the island of King Owatopi using Sophie as the sacrifice. Nate bands together with the infamous Hayes - a deadly rival of Pease - to battle their foes.

    Although this movie includes the standard western theme components, there is more to it than just a couple gunfights. Four separate men, just so happen to stumble into each other. Each man has his own problems, and the town of Silverado is the root of their troubles. They decide that although their problems are in no way related, it would be easiest to work as a team. These four gunslinging heroes then collaborate to get even with the different people who have harmed them. The movie is filled with great action scenes, suspense, treachery, and all of the characteristics that made up the old western.
    Why You Should See This Movie
    One of the main reasons is that the cast is superb. The four heroes are played by: Kevin Kline, Kevin Costner, Danny Glover, and Scott Glenn. But the list keeps going. The movie also stars Brian Dennehy, John Cleese, Linda Hunt, Jeff Goldblum, Rossana Arquette, and more. Also, the director, Lawrence Kasdan, is amazing at what he does. The entire movie is loaded with action, and truly keeps you on the edge of your seat. Also, this movie did a remarkable job of portraying the numerous qualities of the old western.

    Blue Velvet-------Freaky Movie.
    In one scene a girl poses as a JW to get inside this womans house.


  • Mulan

    The Majestic, this year.......incredible, heart soaring movie, with acting that can't be beat.......well, except by Russell Crowe.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • tyydyy

    I almost forgot comedies....

    Roadie.....If you've even heard of this movie I'm impressed.

    Mechanic turned roadie Travis W. Redfish(played by pop artist Meat Loaf) has but one goal in life: to meet rocker Alice Cooper. Groupie Lola Bouilliabase (Porky's veteran Kaki Hunter) has the same goal. When they learn that Cooper is coming to town, both characters are ecstatic and spend the rest of this tuneful comedy trying to meet the star in person. As the story progresses, other pop personalities periodically appear, including Debbie Harry and Blondie, Hank Williams, Jr., Roy Orbison, and Ramblin' Jack Elliot. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

    Strange Brew
    Hey all your hosers out there - what's more fun thatn a six-pack of beer, a dozen donuts and a pound of back bacon? Like, Strange Brew, okay, starring Bob and Doug Mckenzie (Rick Moranis of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and Dave Thomas) of SCTV fame. They've benn called the "Cheech and Chong of Beer drinkers" by The New York Times and likened to Laurel and Hardy by the Bergen Reckord . Not bad, eh?

    All the Mckenzie brothers want is a free case of beer and a quiet place to belch, so they put a mouse in a beer bottle and go to the Elsinore Brewery to complain. There, they encounter a scheme to rule the world by contaminating Elsionre Beer with a mind-controlling chemical.

    Do the McKenzie brothers make the world safe for guzzlers? Can Bob drink his way out of a vat filled with 600 tons of beer before he drowns? Okay, hosers, you'll have to see the movie, eh?

  • waiting

    Another serious, dark movie. Murder in the First True story of the man who brought a case against the official in charge of all the jails in CA - specifically Alcatraz. The prisoner was on trial for 1st degree murder (thus the name, eh?) - and blamed the warden for turning him into a beast, of sorts. And the prisoner won.....sort of.

    This court case closed that jail. The power interplay of the have's and have not's is spectacular. Kevin Bacon plays the have not prisoner - and I think it's his best performance ever.

    Slingblade is another great, dark, movie - but not based on a true story.

    I also loved Silverado. Just old-fashioned good cowboy flick!

    Joe vs. the Volcano? - have to give it another viewing. I thought it was really, really, stupid.


  • Farkel

    "Harold and Maude", a 1972 Cult classic where a very young man (Bud Cort) falls in love with a 79 year old woman (Ruth Gordon). The old lady showed her young charge how to really enjoy life, moment-by-moment and that in order to do so, one had to be occassionally outrageous.

    I also enjoyed "Shine," but it was a bit depressing for my taste. After procrastinating for several dozen years, I took it upon myself to learn to play the "Flight of the Bumblebee" after watching that movie, though. I learned how to play it at its proper tempo in only five days.


    I had a lengthy and serious love affair with a women I met in Hawaii who played as an extra in "Joe Versus the Volcano." I should have married her! I'll have to watch it again and look for any "deep" meanings!


  • Undine

    The Scent of Green Papaya by Anh Hung Tran.
    It was like watching a poem come to life!

  • thewiz

    Cinema Paradiso
    Citizen Kane 1941 - what else?
    Schindler's List - but I don't think it's overlooked
    Les Miserables (1935)
    Les Miserables (1936) -I think this is the one

    I know you said favorite (implying one)

    But in that order.

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