Do demons really exist?

by Inisc 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • biometrics


    To be rational I should have used "unexplained entities" as I really don't know that they were 'Demons' for a certainty. From my wife's account (which I have no reason to doubt, and she has no reason to embellish), the entities had names, and moved the (wooden) ouija pointer without help.


    Sorry, I didn't write a transcript. My wife first told me about it two years before we were married. She was asking about my height. I wasn't sure so we took a measurement, she recalled the ouija board prediction was exact to the millimeter. We discussed it for a bit, then I asked what else they told her. She said they predicted my hair color, weight, eye color, the year we would marry, number and sex of children, year and month of their birth, the country she would emigrate to. At that time I thought the height and appearance was most likely just coincidence and the rest was BS.

    While some of it could be dismissed as mere chance, the odds of all those things happening exactly as predicted, years in advance, aren't great.

  • startingover


    Were any of these things written down when it happened to her, or is it from her memory?

  • biometrics


    Are you trying to cast doubts regarding my memory? I have a great memory. In fact I can remember with absolute clarity events from the age of two years old.

    I undersand where you're coming from, but don't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling it how it is.

  • startingover
  • SweetBabyCheezits
    SO: Were any of these things written down when it happened to her, or is it from her memory?
    bio: Are you trying to cast doubts regarding my memory? I have a great memory. In fact I can remember with absolute clarity events from the age of two years old.

    Well, it sounds like he's asking about her memory, since the events were reported to have happened when she was 14. And, of course, you are the messenger so we have to take your word.... from your memory... of when you first heard her words.... of her memory... of a perception... of an event that happened many years ago and was not recorded. So try not to think of us as too skeptical, huh? That's a pretty long chain of fallible links.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    bio, Michael Shermer suggests that before we state something is out of this world, we should first exhaust all possibilities that are in this world. Would you agree?

    If so, I think we can rule out a low frequency standing wave in this case (haha). Now I would ask the following questions....

    • Is it more or less implausible that her memory conformed - in at least some of the criteria - to the real world results? (Assuming no written record was made when the events transpired, that would be hard to verify.)
    • Is it more or less implausible that she counted the hits and forgot the misses? (throw 100 darts at a board while blindfolded and some are likely to hit the circle)
    • Is it more or less implausible that several of the criteria offered relatively short odds, and favored average features? (red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, black = 1:4)
    • Is it more or less implausible that she self-fulfilled the prophecy based on the answers she received? (nod to Zid) You say she confirmed your height two years in advance? I would like to ask how many other suitors she measured up before finding you but I wouldn't be quick to rely on that memory either. (Side note, the JWs like to point out they are the only ones doing the preaching work that was "predicted" at Mat 24:14 - another self-fulfilling prophecy.)
    • Is it more likely that a combination of the above points explain a 14 year old girl's memory of her perception of her Ouija board experience..... or that a spirit accurately conveyed her future via Hasbro?
  • heathen

    in answer short and sweet , yes . I've had some 40yrs. seeing them and experiencing various phenom involving them

  • Violia

    At the risk of being thought stupid ( probably too late for that)yes I do believe an unseen spirit world exists. I have had experiences that I feel can not be explained any other way. beyond this I am not sure what role they play in our lives , if any. I also have had the sleep paralysis problem too. I do not fear the demons anymore and despite me having about 100 tarot decks, several Ouija boards and lots of books /DVD tapes, etc, I am not being attacked by demons I too have never been able to get the blasted Ouija board to say anything to me. I have had dreams that predicted events for my family and a close friend. I believe some call this precognition. I was into the metaphysical for a while but currently I am not even playing with my cards, I am just bored with them.

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