Calling all Atheists.

by mouthy 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    Things to consider regarding Jesus...

    "1. He called everyone 'brother'
    2. He liked Gospel
    3. He couldn't get a fair trial." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black.
    "1. He went into His Fathers business.
    2. He lived at home until he was 33.
    3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Jewish.
    "1. He talked with his hands.
    2. He had wine with every meal.
    3. He used olive oil." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Italian.
    "1. He never cut his hair.
    2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
    3. He started a new religion." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was a Californian.
    "1. He never got married.
    2. He was always telling stories
    3. He loved green pastures." — 3 good arguments that Jesus was Irish.

    "1. He had to feed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
    2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
    3. Even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work for Him to do." — 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman.
  • mouthy

    stillthinking I loved it gave me a laugh... That what my Mum used to call me " Bloody trouble maker" Thanks for the memory.
    Violia >> granny advice to you is >"Lord if your truly there, come into my heart .Lead, guide, teach me, Amen "
    Now get out of the way because the rocks will start coming this way.
    Stay tuned ti JWN we do have a lot of fun, even when we diagree, because one thing we can do NOW is THINK INDEPENDENTLY!!!!

  • mouthy

    I LOVE it thetrueone.... Oh you better move out of the way too. The men on board aint gonna like that one LOL

  • Violia

    if can't ski tal, go for a lovely drive. It can work wonders, just getting out of the house. I really know about this one. I have to spend way too mcuh time in these four walls.

    (((((( mouthy)))))

  • FlyingHighNow

    I love you, Gracie. Jesus isn't offensive. It's the way some people present him that can be offensive. Never stop being fiesty!

  • mouthy

    For all of you.Good Night God bless each & every one of you I TRULY!!!!! HONESTLY, DO LOVE EACH & EVERY ONE OF YOU

  • EmptyInside

    Hi Grace.

    I'm reminded of this silly joke,I heard awhile back.

    What do you get when you cross a Jehovah's Witness with an agnostic?

    Someone who goes door-to-door,but doesn't have a clue why.


  • mouthy

    LOL.....Good one emptyInside.

    But I knew why I was going door to be forgiven all the wicked things I did,
    & I was going to be young & beautiful in the Paradise earth
    As I was walking around with my black eyes,coming out of hospital after
    my fractured skull( that my catholic hubby blessed me with)
    The elders would tell me > " Keep at it Grace many of our brothers & sisters

    are in concentration,prison,they cant preach freely, " YES!!! I was mindcuffed .STUPID!!!!

  • talesin

    thanks, vi. ugh, it's so nice out, and my 'minder' called in sick today, and with the holiday coming up, I'll have no transportation for at least a week. Kitty will be happy, though!


    love to all as well

  • mouthy

    Oh talesin.. I wish I lived near... I would be over there in a tic....

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