Calling all Atheists.

by mouthy 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Who's making fun of her? I take her as seriously as I take anyone else here...and, she does have a wicked sense of per comment above...

    Well Now I have started the 'trou ble" I will go have a nap...

    Gotta respect that!

  • NewChapter

    I am perplexed. The title of this thread seemed to be in good fun---certainly with the knowledge that it would draw some teasing. I don't think anyone has been mean. I imagine a grandmother telling a bunch of kids that Jesus loves them, and then smiling at the varied responses. Maybe I'm wrong. But perhaps those of us that don't believe in Jesus, that were intentionally called here, should just not respond since we cannot do so authentically, and can't use humor to butter the differences.

    Thank you mouthy for the sentiment. I don't believe in Jesus.

    done here


  • talesin

    I was being gentle to dearest Mouthy, in spite of my atheist leanings, and some of you weren't ... the old "nasty atheist" came out ... if you want to pretend that you were NOT being mean-spirited,. then go ahead, .. POWER TO YOU.

    meh ...

  • talesin

    Yet... god supposively exposes himself through "myths" and "visions" and "dreams" and personal anecdotes. For some reason "god" in his "wisdom" supposively approached man when human communication sucked really bad - at a time when all original records would be lost, and everything "communicated" would be twisted and exaggerated.

    I have learned that old people don't get a free pass for erroneous thinking. JW's and other religious organizations are all run by old people.

    Sigh. I didn't see him on any of the runs on Whistler. Wait....could have been one of them pesky snowboarders. I don't keep company with the likes of them.

    Yes, all very respectful ---- NOT!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thank you mouthy for the sentiment. I don't believe in Jesus.

  • talesin

    ^^^^ now, that shows respect!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    and that was quite freeing...that is the first time I have honestly admitted that to myself and said it....thanks new chapter.

  • HintOfLime

    Meh. I freely disrepsect god and religious agendas. These concepts are not people.

    - Lime

  • talesin


    OTOH, I respect Mouthy, with no reserves.

    In RL, I am very appreciative of the 'gentle' elders I know, and afford Mouthy the same respect online,,,

    that's all I'm sayin' .... if you disagree, so be it... I DON'T respect elders who don't deserve it.. but I feel Mouthy DOES.

    You can choose to feel differently,, okay,, I disagree.


  • talesin

    OY, this is such a mess!!!!!


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