A pefect, loving designer would not:
1. Create something without foresight of the suffering his creation could cause.
Lets stay away from words like "perfect" and "love" for now. They all lead into boring semantics. A creator creates, for good or for evil. A father allows his son to scrape his knee. That is suffering on a small human scale. I believe there to be a much greater, but similar concept on a celestial scale.
2. Create something that had to cause suffering out of necessity for its own survival.
Again, you seem to have very specific definitions as to what constitutes a loving and caring creator.
Why should purpose involve suffering?
This is a very good question. Why would suffering be needed for anything? This is where I believe the analogy of the internal combustion engine works well for simplication. It also is very tangible because there are lots of people on this planet who are against the invention entirely. Their reasons being similar to the OP complaint: widespread loss of human life. The person against cars are shrugged off as "tree hugging hippies." This is because it is rather funny to hold the opinion that we should shelve the internal combustion engine and automobile. What has it given us? Really, just about everything when you think about it.
Roads have been around for eons, but traversing them for the most part has required risking your life in a variety of ways (bandits, weather etc). The tree huggin' hippy's argument really is tunnel visioned because it ignores the prosperity that automobiles have helped make possible. Before, the ability to move around in vehicles life was completely limited.
Forget the engine, the real innovation was making them available to the common man. Which created the individual, a new speicies of human basically! So, in your opinion, was Henry Ford's idea bad or good for the world?