But your embracing spirituality comes from stories told by men thousands of years ago by primitive ignorant people.
No, it comes from my brain which was designed with the capacity to embrace the unknowable, it's how we progress past being animals. I cannot be more clear, I do not get my ideas from the Bible. The Bible is something I know extremely well and I believe in it's message and do believe it is mystical.
Those mystical writings were made up stories, other civilizations created their own stories concerning their particular god or (gods)
You cannot prove this mainly because it's a wrong idea about storytelling. The stories were not arbitrarily made up nor were they crafted for the purpose of deceit. They were mostly based on ideas of morality. The characters in the Bible are ideological constructs that are based on real men and women in history. It's the ideas that they were trying to preserve, this is a common misconception that most people have about the Bible. It's incredibly complex and it's messages are often highly cryptic and mysterious. To come in thousands of years after the fact and call them merely fabrications is simply folly.
So then you think its better to explain things through practical superstition and ignorance, rather than through any scientific methodology.
I think scientific methodology is best left to scientists. They continue to discover new facts every day on so many subjects. Those facts can then be utilzed by philosophy to smooth out ideas about spirituality, which will also always need refining, just as science does. It's not either or and never has been. This is a common misconception about spirituality.
This is the same method as the WTS leaders have. Good grief its good thing your not in a position of power and control over a community of people
I defend God, not men. You are confused because you are having a hard time assigning motivations to my actions. This is likely because you are constantly assigning motivations to people with logic so much so that you don't even realize it anymore. Then when you find yourself totally wrong about someone, you just stand there scratching your head and convince yourself that it's just like the Watchtower.
you would really creating some serious damage, but nevertheless you would be in a postion of power though
No more damage than the atheist community has done to the world of spirituality. Purposeful damage mind you. Someone has to bring balance and it's not just me.
Living and working in todays reality with the knowledge we have today is much more fruitful to be living in comparison to mankind's past ignorances which you define as spirituality of the ancient Hebrew civilization.
Ancients are always more spiritual than mordern day humans. They were closer to God, but lacked knowledge to truly master their environment. Now we have mastered our environment and continue to do so, but we seem to have left God behind. God and spirituality will continue to live along side logic and reason and sometimes they will intermingle. Never will God be disproven, even if we control the energy of every star in our galaxy, we would still get a mere goflclap from the One True God.