Guys this is terrible. Listen to yourselves. You have this lovely woman you been with for years anf you want to drop her the minute she can't perform. I have all those stupid watchtower inhibitions and I want so much to do this or that sex thing but the watchtower conditioning is so strong even though I'm out, I just don't know where to begin. Also, stress can kill a woman's drive and anyone who's been in the wt has tonnes of that even when they leave.
One of the cruelest jokes God (If he exists) has played on men and women is that as general demographic groups, we have a tendancy to view the things that are most important to our spouse as least important to us.
If your husband pretty much quit speaking to you entirely, how long would you put up with almost total silence and aloofness? A year? Two years? A decade? Or would you reach the end or your rope sooner than that?