thecrushed - w83 3/15 pg 31
"...What, though, if one mate wants or even demands to share with his or her partner in what is clearly a perverted sex practice? The above-presented facts show that porneia involves unlawful sexual conduct outside the marital arrangement. Thus, a mate’s enforcing perverted acts, such as oral or anal sex, within the marriage would not constitute a Scriptural basis for a divorce that would free either for remarriage. Even though a believing mate is distressed by the situation, yet that one’s endeavor to hold to Scriptural principles will result in a blessing from Jehovah. In such cases it may be helpful for the couple to discuss the problem frankly, bearing in mind especially that sexual relations should be honorable, wholesome, an expression of tender love. This certainly should exclude anything that might distress or harm one’s mate.—Ephesians 5:28-30; 1 Peter 3:1, 7.
As already stated, it is not for elders to “police” the private marital matters of couples in the congregation. However, if it becomes known that a member of the congregation is practicing or openly advocating perverted sex relations within the marriage bond, that one certainly would not be irreprehensible, and so would not be acceptable for special privileges, such as serving as an elder, a ministerial servant or a pioneer. Such practice and advocacy could even lead to expulsion from the congregation. Why?"
When my parents came into "the truth" in the 80s, the couple studying with them told them they needed to stop having oral sex because it wasn't allowed. That would have been a red flag for me! Too bad I grew up thinking it was so evil and sinful. So happy not to feel that way anymore.
Sorry to hear about your situation Zeb. Did your wife tell you why she didn't want to read the books? Would she read a Dr. Laura Berman book? Is she depressed? My sex life is a work in progress, but it has definitely improved since abandoning my previous limiting religious beliefs.