How to Choose a Wife!

by snugglebunny 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • DwainBowman

    My X came with the glowing approval of the elders and the co. Her family were held out as the most exemplary in the circuit!

    What a Load of Crap that was! I knew before the first night was over, I had been pushed into a Hugh pile! Her parents HATED each other! They stayed together for the "truth"! He was a long time elder, she was a 25+ yeasr pioneer. At home they had separate bedrooms and baths, with almost no interaction at all! When it was time for meetings, they road together, walked into the hall, all smiles, holding hands durning the song and prayers, the picture of a real spritural family.

    Visiting them was a nightmare. And my so called wife, was a real work of art!

    Elder approval is not worth the paper they wipe their Butt's with! Moist if them have really crappy married lives. I have been good enough friends to hear their stories! And seen the looks of sadness on the faces of the wife's! Been told be many, they were holding on for the new world!


  • tiki

    well...........why would the publisher's record card be of any value. if the guy is going out in fs regularly and so is the girl, wouldn't they be aware of how often each show up to go do it? and if her dad was an elder, surely he'd insist that his kids meet the mark and get those hours in.

    the thing that makes me the angriest is that what to look for in a mate ridiculousness - the "spirituality"......nothing ever whatsoever about truly falling in love......and they aren't allowed to get to know eachother sufficiently - esp if they have to have a 3rd party hanging around listening/watching.

    there are an awful lot of stupid things in dub-land.

  • LisaRose
    Yes, IF they don't mind women that are any one of or a combination of morbidly obese, several children, extremely poor health, mentally unstable, chronically lazy, whiners etc

    As they say, the odds are good but the goods are odd.

  • PaintedToeNail

    I have a relative who followed 'theocratic direction' and asked the elders at the hall about 'Joe". The elders lied, told her that 'Joe' was a fine brother, would definitely make a good husband. She married 'Joe. With days, she found out 'Joe' was violent, had put his late wife into the hospital during one of his tirades and had been arrested for attempted manslaughter of someone else. The elders told her father after he asked them how on earth they recommended him 'We thought he would change if he married 'Sara'.

    So the elders of 'Joe's' congregation outright lied to 'Sara' and she made her decision based on their 'trustworthiness'. She is now trapped.

  • Vidiot

    "How to choose a wife (in the WTS)..."



    As if there was much to choose from.


    How to Choose a Wife in the WBT$..

    .............................................The Hot WBT$ JW Women..

    ..................................Have Their Own WBT$ Literature Carts!

    ............................ result for Watchtower literature cart

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