Are religionists and atheists on the same team?
Do they both lead people away from God?
This really doesn't apply to an atheist anyway...since an atheist does not have any belief in a God to lead anyone away from in the first place.
You have to have a belief in a God for this statement to have any meaning whatsoever...and if you believe, what difference would it make what anyone says? Is God so ineffectual that he can't hold onto his believers..maybe he should support their faith a bit more.... if he is real.
As the old saying can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him maybe believers should stop blaming others for their lack of faith and lay the blame fair and square where it belongs....on themselves...and their God.
Maybe God is on this imaginary team...maybe he drives people away in droves. He may just do more harm than anyone or anything else could for his lack of intervention....if he is real....he may be the leader of his own demise.