As you say yourself, you do still seem to believe that God has a hand in the organization - even though the reasons for this are shaky at best, and you've seen for yourself how this hand "deserts" the organization at crucial moments. I've started to write a 4-part essay on the 4 main arguments used by the Society as to why they enjoy God's blessing.
These are:
- "Wondrous expansion is now taking place"
- The love shown between brothers of all races
- The idea that JWs are the only ones preaching worldwide
- The idea that Christ selected the Bible Students in 1919
(If there are any other reasons, please let me know what these are!)
My first article, on the following link, is already online:
I began working on the second part of the essay when I got side-tracked by the issue of race. I found there was so much offensive material in the early Watchtower publications that it deserved an article all of its own. This will should be released in the next 24 hours on the following website:
Due to the age of some of the quotes, I've actually shown copies of the original printed text to prove that I'm not mis-quoting the Society.
As regards "increasing light", there are three scriptures commonly used by the Society to support this. These are:
- Proverbs 4:18
- Daniel 12:3,4
- 2 Peter 1:19
Proverbs 4:18 speaks of the "path of the righteous one" in comparison with that of the wicked one, and how god favors it. Nowhere does it even mention the words "knowledge" or "understanding". The scripture in Daniel speaks of people "roving about" and true knowledge becoming abundant. It certainly doesn't suggest that God would sanction false knowledge to be published under his guidance during this "roving" process. 2 Peter describes the prophetic word as a "lamp shining in a dark place", but the light doesn't increase or decrease, it stays the same. There's no dimmer switch! If you read and dwell on all these scriptures, you'll realize that none of them describe the principle of "increasing light" as propounded by the organization. The one most often used by the Society, Proverbs 4:18, has nothing to do with knowledge whatsoever!!
Instead, what you find in the bible is a pattern of truthful instructions being passed on to God's servants which they can then act upon. This process is so constant and unshakeable, that one can recognize false prophets because they foretell something and it doesn't come to pass. If you read the criteria for a false prophet as laid out in Deuteronomy 13:1-4; 18:20-22, you would find eerily disturbing parallels with how the Society presents its information. We've had people on this forum recently claiming that the Society DOESN'T call itself a prophet, but for all intent and purposes, this is exactly how it conveys its messages (foretelling future events in Jehovah's name). Furthermore, if you check your Revelation Climax book pages 165-169 you'll see that the Society declares itself to be the "two witnesses" or "two prophets" foretold in Revelation for the last days.
I'm pleased that you have resolved to check the Finished Mystery book for yourself. After browsing through it and finding out whether Alfred's observations are accurate, you would do well to do a search for references to "Finished Mystery" on your Watchtower Library CD-ROM. In particular, check out the references to this publication in the Revelation Climax book and the amount of significance that the Society attaches to its publication. You will find a certain irony, because a book described by the Society as "unsatisfactory as an explanation of Revelation" is said to have actually FULFILLED parts of Revelation, including the prophecy of the two witnesses! Does that make sense to you?
Anyway, you have more than enough things to research. Well done for keeping an open mind. Please don't be afraid to visit websites like jwfacts. Contrary to what you've been told, you won't get struck down by lightning for doing so. Besides, if God is a God of truth, then he will want you to know the facts, and the facts will speak for themselves.