Hi everyone
I'm just curious as to whether any of my fellow Brits ever pondered how the Society can be so stupid as to insist using the US drama tapes at UK conventions rather than having them re-recorded in a British accent?
As all of us Brits know, the convention drama is a subject of subdued derision among UK publishers - and I've been to many a party or social gathering where, at some point, somebody whose had a little too much Coke re-enacts a scene from a drama mockingly (typically by gesturing wildly into the air and saying "JER-HO-VAH GAAARD!!" in an over-the-top American accent).
What the Society clearly doesn't understand is that the dramas really lose their emotional impact with British audiences when performed in an American accent by amateurs. Yes, we're all used to Hollywood movies over here, and roles being performed by American movie stars - but these are professionals and they execute their roles effortlessly and convincingly, regardless of the accent. On the other hand, the Society's American vocal performers are usually wooden and over-the-top, making the drama more of a tedious ordeal (punctuated by the occasional low-budget exploding altar) rather than something that is truly emotionally engaging and thought-provoking. Dramas would certainly have a greater chance of hitting a nerve if performed in a familiar accent, but the Society thinks it knows best and evidently feels that British convention audiences should be satisfied with their original US recordings.
Do any of my fellow Brits think they've been missing a trick all these years, or is it just me?