Blondie - I agree with you that most dramas are not "bible dramas", but dramatizations of fictitious bible-based stories - i.e. the exploits of Timothy in resisting the temptation to pursue a worldly career, as portrayed in the "Pursue Goals" DVD.
However, I really don't think it's a money issue. After all, the cost of recording media (CDs, DVDs, tapes) has plummeted, and the labor used to make the recordings is free. Also, in parts of Europe where two languages are identical with only subtle differences, the Society will go to the trouble of authorizing separate recordings.
I think in the case of English speaking lands, however, it is purely a case of arrogance on the part of the Society. Their thought process seems to be along the lines of "we all speak the same language, it's understandable to all, the brothers should feel proud and privileged to be hearing the drama in exactly the same way as it is heard by their brothers in America, including the Governing Body." Since the overwhelming number of brothers on the GB are American, it doesn't occur to them that the drama loses its already negligible emotional impact when listened to in a different accent. Not that I'm complaining that they've made such a costly error! I just can't believe they're so stupid, year after year.