Dan Sydlik was the best God voice i have heard apart from Monty Python.
UK convention dramas recorded by American actors - the GB's yearly gaffe
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
"I just can't believe they are so stupid year after year "
Dear Cedars,
I know you said that with specific reference to your thread, but really, what else did you expect ? That the GB would suddenly acquire the attributes of empathy, kindness and humility, along with common sense ?
The daft old buggers are wrong year after year about everything !
I recall Ulyses Glass visited the UK many years ago & there was a 'Special Day' for us to attend to hear him speak.
Toward the end of the day he so-called had some questions the UK JW's had asked & he was going to answer them.
And Cedars one of the questions he read from his sheet was 'Can the dramas be recorded in an English accent?'
My attention was roused.....What would this 'annointed' man say, what insight had the lord given him as to the needs of the UK borthers??
Well guess what........He was dismissive of the need for this, a 'we should be grateful for all the work involved' type comment & 'anyway which accent would be acceptable, Bristol, London, Yorkshire???'
I thought I would rather hear any of those accents over the prolonged open jawed drawl we had to be 'grateful' for.
you can only imagine us "poor" africans on the dark continent
Heatofaboy - thanks for that insight! It certainly confirms what I suspected about the Governing Body's mindset, i.e. "you should be grateful...!"
'anyway which accent would be acceptable, Bristol, London, Yorkshire???'
Wow, what a pathetic argument. Having the drama recorded in an English accent doesn't mean you need to choose a regional dialect. Geez!
I can just imagine the Yorkshire version of a drama about Jonah...
"Ey up Jonah, how'd it go in Nineveh. A heard it's ruff up ther?"
"Ruff? That wer nowt. A were swallowed by a bloody big whale."
"Blimey, a whale? Bet that were a reet bad-un for yer."
"Too right. Any road, he spewed me out in the end. A was buggered by the end of it."
Ey up Cedars that wer champion that wer!
An' Glass wer reet daft.
Haha! Cedars, that was brilliant! LOL Can you imagine it all done in a combination of Liverpudlian, Geordie, Yorkshire, Cockney and West Country? I think I would be totally cracked up!!
I know what you mean, having a whole drama in American English is just awful!! (No offense to you Americans!)
How about something like this.. a real English speaking Abraham, Melchizedek and Sarah...
I love this thread..
The US is made up of 50 states with a variety of accents. The ones heard in the media tend to be bland midwestern ones but otherwise things are very colorful and varied.
Azazel that was bloody hilarious mate!!
It would be far more entertaining in the traditional UK or Aussie languages.
Funny how us Aussies and Poms have a root (sex) and the US root for their team.