Pffft. The dramas are laughable in any accent. I can't remember why, but I do remember more than a few titters during the dramas when I was in. They were badly done for Americans, too. Sometimes I remember wondering how culturally illiterate they were to have even come up with some of the alleged dialogue. The dramas are just stupid. Period.
UK convention dramas recorded by American actors - the GB's yearly gaffe
by cedars 45 Replies latest jw friends
Definitely true......The Americanisation of the dialogue always made us giggle inside, although we could not show it...
did anyone mention Randy?
They can also translate the magazines and books into many, many languages, but fail to put the 'u' in colour or replace 'sidewalk' with 'pavement' for the British editions.
In the 70s and 80s I remember householders quite often saying they wouldn't join an American religion! You don't hear that these days.
St George of England
I think the GB are so stupid they do not realise the effect these dramas have here in the U.K. and the derision with which we hold them.
The Kingdom Ministry, 'For Britain and Ireland' used to be translated into proper English but I noticed this latest edition (June) has several spelling mistakes, 'honored', 'neighbor', 'fulfillment', 'fulfill'. Not only offensive but a poor example for young ones who see too much US spelling.
The drama sounds campy and corny to my California trained ears. (Vaaaleeiii Guuurlll)
When all is said, it is an American religion and a sample of American imperialism, with almost nothing to do with the middle eastern culture that spawned the Bible, so take it with a grain of salt.
"Hey Zeke, ya got a torch so as we can burn all
these books and do away with all that learnin'?"