Brother Hero wants to watch Faith in Action with me this Saturday

by garyneal 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    Be sure its the Director's Cut...

  • garyneal

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I think my watching it with him will hinge on whether or not my wife will be there.

    Tell him that after viewing the video, you examined what Russell actucally wrote in Studies in the Scriptures and found it very, very funny that they hold his teachings in such high esteem. I know that I'd decline to watch it since my laughter would probably hurt the feelings of a JW believer.

    LOL @ Billy. You know, that video made a great deal out of the seventh volumn in the series, The Finished Mystery. I made it look like that the clergy of Christendom was all upset over what was said in it. I remember saying to my wife, "If I were a member of the clergy, I would be laughing at that book." That book makes them a laughing stock that's for sure. And to think, it was hot off the presses for Christ to investigate in 1919.

    That may be my angle for Brother Hero if we do end up watching the video.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Target dishonesty. Pause the CD. Don't tell him it's dishonest, make him explain it why it isn't, honestly, using documentation, or admit it. Do not move on until until he is making promises he can't keep.

    If your wife won't watch it with you, or sit in on the discussions, give him his cd back and tell him to remove himself from the premises. NOW!

  • garyneal
    Don't tell him it's dishonest, make him explain it why it isn't, honestly, using documentation, or admit it. Do not move on until until he is making promises he can't keep.

    I am not sure I follow you. Pause the CD but don't tell him that it is dishonest but make him explain why it isn't? Are you suggesting I provide the documentation?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm suggesting that if you have documentation to show that the FIA is dishonest, that you show it to him, then insist that he explains it. He is welcome to produce documentation to demonstrate that the documentation you have is in error.

    Don't you tell him anything. Get him to read it and explain it, then keep him honest. He has to do the talking.

    You should know his best answers before you ask your question.

    If you don't have anything solid, uninvite him.

  • Fernando

    Hey garyneal!

    What about giving brother Hero a "very easy" hurdle to jump over?

    Gary - Bother Hero I'm keen for you discuss a particular topic with our family for an hour before watching the video. Can you do this?

    Hero - Yes.

    Gary - I'd like you discuss the "good news" according to Paul from the heart with us by means of reading relevant scriptures in the books Romans through Hebrews. Could you do this for us?

    Hero - Yes.

    Gary - When we meet I will need you to tell us how many times the Bible refers to the phrase "good news" and how many of these references are by Paul. I also want you to tell me how many times Paul refers to the "good news" in the SAME sentence as the word "Kingdom". Could you do this for us?

    Hero - Yes.

    Gary - If you have any problems in preparing please let me know and we will reschedule for another day. Could you do this for us?

    Hero - Yes.

    When he pitches up first check with him if he has prepared for an hour discussion of the "good news" according to Paul, and if he has the CORRECT count of the number of instances that the Bible and Paul refer to the "good news", and how many times Paul refers to the "good news" and "kingdom" in the same sentence.

    If he pitches up unprepared firmly remind him of what was agreed and when he would like to reschedule for.

    It may be wise not to TELL him anything. Just keep asking questions. Or get him to read and explain every passage where Paul referred to the "good news".

    You will witness his struggle against spiritual blindness since the Watchtower has removed all 85-odd of Paul's references to the "good news" from the version they believe and teach. This represents more than HALF of the Bible's 152-odd references to the "good news". These are rudimentary counts that include occurrences of the phrase "good news" which are not a reference to the gospel - so no need to split hairs if his count is close enough.

    Paul never once refers to the "good news" and "kingdom" in the SAME sentence. If Hero gets this right, you might ask him if he was surprised to see this and what his conclusion is.

  • biometrics


    Your approach will never work. As soon as a JW hears someone wants to discuss 'good news' and 'kingdom', they'll immediately go to the WTBS-CDROM and print out every article on 'good news of the kingdom'. Then they'll focus on those articles as if they were inspired. Their brain is hard wired to support WT doctrine.

    Even if you point-blank point out what you're trying to say, from the bible, they'll deny it in favor of some Watchtower understanding from two decades ago.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    You have to be very careful picking your topic, Gary.

    It has to be blatant, undeniable, dishonesty or you are wasting your time. In many cases, you know it's dishonest, they know it's dishonest, but the deception is worded in such a way that it isn't actually, technically, or gramatically, an outright lie. They probably had lawyers & linguists pick over the script.

  • Fernando

    Hey biometrics!

    In most cases, yup most probably, and EXACTLY as you have explained.

    At least then garyneal would know not to proceed and waste valuable time on a spiritual alcoholic who prefers spiritual cirrhosis.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The target is the wife, not Brother Hero, Fernando. Brother Hero is just a tool...... in more ways than one

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