I went to the Watchtower Study with the "Selma and Steve" article today, and....

by cedars 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    Many on this forum know how stupid the wt is.However,those in it will say how great the fds is and what insight they have wrt to divided household.They will use this info and try and help brainwash their husband,wife,children into this sect.

    I think HOWARD,had it right.the jw brainwash you slowly like a slow rain,one drop at a time,using their literature before you know it you are in deep water(baptism) and it is to late because now they got you.If you try and back out it is shunning time,So most stay in to keep family in tact.

    We all know they lie to you on their 1st call.WHen a study is started,what is the 1st think they say "you will get opposite from family members".They never never mention that you will be DF if you say anything against the fds on the 1st study and YOU WILL BE SHUN BY HUSBAND,WIFE ,CHILDREN and your children will not talk to you after you are a jw.

  • blindnomore

    Sister A(an elderly): Her unbeliving husband was very violent. She tried everything but still she got nothing.

    Sister B(an elderly): Her unbeliving husband was also very violent. Some one pointed out that it was her attitude which was the problem. She's been working on her attitude for decades and he still not in the truth but they have better relationship now(probably due to old age)

    MS(a very humble guy): You don't strike yourself. Steve needed show love to Selma. (the conductor moved on to entertain next one without acknowledging MS's comment)

    Elder A: Selma got the point when she was told who is trying to be a Christian here. She applied it and then things worked out for better. (immidiatly follow by this comment the Conductor made one and said,)

    the WT study Conductor: "Golden Rule doesn't work until you apply it. She needed show love to her husband if she wanted to be shown love."

    Beyond resonable doubt it is a mind control Cult.

  • GLTirebiter
    No report from Serenity yet? She must have went out to eat after the meeting with "the friends".

    I'm hoping none of the elders saw her texting and grabbed the phone!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    So, no real excitement to report from out WT study. The elder conducting it is new, a knew him as a kid in diapers ( oh gosh I never would have imagined myself sayIng that!) Basically stock answers from the paragraph.

    BTW-- SABASTIOUS: IT IS GOOD TO BE THE KING!!!!! One of my favorite lines of all time! Thanks for the memory. . .

    So, on the car ride home, I say to my wife, You know what kind of bugged me about the Watchtower. . .

    She said that she had hoped I hadn't noticed it!

    I said,No, I notice EVERYTHING, and not only did I notice it in English, I also noticed it in French (says basically the same thing) and I happened to pick up a Spanish magazine in the bak of the hall AND IT DIDN'T SAY THE SAME THING!

    Well, what did it say? she asked and I told her. I said it is really fascinating how whoever translated this into Spanish for some reason had made the decision not to translate it word for word. Why?

    She said she couldn't believe that the would ever publish something like this--- it was horrible(my wife suffered terrible abuse with her first husband ) and that it was quite interesting that it wasn't translated the same way in Spanish. She said maybe a sister had translated it, but she didn't think sisters did that.

    I said, Think different!

    Slowly chipping away. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

  • wha happened?
  • serenitynow!

    I made it out GT! I'll upload the audio whenever I figure out how! They knew I was texting and stuff, what were they going to do? I didn't even talk to anyone other than saying hi to a guy I grew up with. I left during the song and went shopping to try to salvage the rest of my day.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    have a glass of wine, u earned it

  • moshe

    Looks like the sisters just sat there and "took it up the keester" in that WT lesson. Nothing new happened here in the USA.

  • ilikecheese

    I was marginally tempted to go with my boyfriend to his Kingdom Hall today to see what happened. Of course, if I decided to say something semi-appropriate on the subject of spousal abuse, my boyfriend would probably be branded "bad association" immediately since I would have come with him. Hmmm, maybe I should have...

    I don't know if I could ever take myself to one of those meetings under any other circumstances. I still haven't been, no matter how much he asks. (But I got him to go to church with me mwahahaha. All of us other Christians, using Satan to tempt JWs to our worship places.)

    I think it would be fun if you were married to comment and say, "Oh yeah, I understand. I didn't stop beating my husband/wife until they started showing Christian love. Steve is the real hero in this story! If I beat you senseless for half an hour, and I don't have a sandwich within five minutes, you are a terrible spouse."

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Ok, so, I went to the WT study. I wanted to stay home, but I decided that I needed to go.

    Fisrt off, I heard chuckles during thereading of the paragraph. Second, I heard one brother state that "violence occured" (typical passive descriptions) when this women tried to prove a point instead of being "submissive" . He was very negative about her, very unkind.

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