I went to the Watchtower Study with the "Selma and Steve" article today, and....

by cedars 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    I think it would be fun if you were married to comment and say, "Oh yeah, I understand. I didn't stop beating my husband/wife until they started showing Christian love. Steve is the real hero in this story! If I beat you senseless for half an hour, and I don't have a sandwich within five minutes, you are a terrible spouse."

    LMFAO!!! EXCELLENT! Let's hear from STEVE!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yep, nothing like helping a control freak by granting him more control. Apparently he taught his wife that treating her as an equal is a priviledge that she needs to earn 1st, and her religion backs it. He might next to witholding food and other priviledges like using the restroom, bathing, etc until she learns from her errors

  • NewChapter

    So, why don't they ever tell stories about battered husbands who needed to be better Christians to make the abuse stop? Oh, uhm, or is it just the wives that are expected to take it? Anyone ever seen anything addressing this equally important issue? Perhaps their advice would be to hit back.

  • scary21

    That's what I was thinking NewChapter...... The unbelieving wife who every night, or every few nights....lops her husband in the head with a bat.......He should bring her flowers


    RIGHT !!!! lol Sherry

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ya know I think that's why those stupid elderly keep getting abused. They just don't know when to shut up. Why not wack em around? So when is it finally a "sin" to strike someone? If not in the home? Where?

  • ilikecheese

    Haha I think it would have been the best if a wife had been the "Steve" while commenting. If I were married to my BF, I would totally do that and make up some story about him leaving the toilet seat up with no regard for my feelings, despite me telling him to stop. I keep beating him, but he doesn't give me chocolates afterward. What gives?! Of course, a divorce proceeding might not be too long after that... :P

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    @ ilikecheese: Lol!!

  • InquiryMan

    When I was in, I remember a ministerial servant lost his privileges and got a public reproof for having hit his wife. His wife was even a non-witness at the time.

  • jamiebowers
    When I was in, I remember a ministerial servant lost his privileges and got a public reproof for having hit his wife. His wife was even a non-witness at the time.

    BIG deal...it's just the Watch Tower once more treating crime as sin.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Continuing my story from above. . . .

    Pushed a little further and had some success. Went to JW.org and started downloading different languages and started running them through google with my wife right there-- she was quite intrigued by the results as well. In German, as another thread already referenced, the word they used was translated as "livid" and "hopping mad" which my wife got a kick out of (no, no a literal kick). She commmented that that wasn't even close to "hit" as far as translation. Icelandic was even worse though: it got translated as "beaten" which sent shivers up my wife's spine. Again, I told her this google translate is not by any means perfect, but you get enough to know whether the abuse was portrayed physical or not.

    I just left it with a few questions: What really happened? Was it physical abuse or not? Was the story even real? If it was real, why would a writer use such a story? Who edits the magazines that would let this slip? What motivated certain translators to change the story? I told my wife I think those are some pretty fascinating questions.

    She couldn't agree more.

    Oh, and a PS- I would like to thank the writing department for this excellent material to help get my wife out of your cult. Thanks!

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