Continuing my story from above. . . .
Pushed a little further and had some success. Went to and started downloading different languages and started running them through google with my wife right there-- she was quite intrigued by the results as well. In German, as another thread already referenced, the word they used was translated as "livid" and "hopping mad" which my wife got a kick out of (no, no a literal kick). She commmented that that wasn't even close to "hit" as far as translation. Icelandic was even worse though: it got translated as "beaten" which sent shivers up my wife's spine. Again, I told her this google translate is not by any means perfect, but you get enough to know whether the abuse was portrayed physical or not.
I just left it with a few questions: What really happened? Was it physical abuse or not? Was the story even real? If it was real, why would a writer use such a story? Who edits the magazines that would let this slip? What motivated certain translators to change the story? I told my wife I think those are some pretty fascinating questions.
She couldn't agree more.
Oh, and a PS- I would like to thank the writing department for this excellent material to help get my wife out of your cult. Thanks!