New Chapter - Where is Paul Grundy from? I thought it was UK or something. I could be wrong. But just understanding the constitution, I can't see this getting any traction.
Hi New Chapter, FYI if you read the entire thread before you started posting in it, you should have noticed that I wrote that I asked Steven Unthank, Paul Grundy, Barbara Anderson, and Steve Hassan to post links on their websites to the White House petition. Steven Unthank, Paul Grundy, and Barbara Anderson have all agreed to post links on their websites. You will have to ask them whether they endorse this petition, whether they feel that the petition process will help to educate politicians and Americans about dangerous cults, or how they feel about this petition.
New Chapter - Look, we all have the same goal here. But the means do matter.
I am confused by your posts as to what your goals are and what matters to you. What is your goal? Is petitioning the White House illegal? (NO) Does this petition propose violating the Constitution or any law? (NO) Are you saying that you trust religious leaders more than democratically elected politicians as Band on the Run wrote in a thread? Do you know that most religious leaders are not elected by their members in popular elections and that history is full of examples of religious leaders persecuting and killing their own members?
I feel that you prefer to make sensationalistic and unrelated statements as if they were fact instead of having a dialogue with other posters.
This petition is a good way to educate politicians and Americans about dangerous cults, how dangerous cults harm their members, to encourage politicians' to create bill(s), for policitians to debate the bills, for constituents of politicians to send their politicians their comments, and then for politicians to vote on the bill(s). It is not the only way, but it is the way I chose to try. If you came up with a workable and good idea to help JWs and other victims of dangerous cults, I would probably encourage you to try it and might even help you.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,