Significantly, even using the lowest estimate, 76,000 violent crimes are prevented by armed citizens each year. Thus, the number of violent crimes thwarted by armed citizens is about four times the annual murder rate.
Justitia - the answer to your query.
I'm not sure the statistics actually do answer my question Glander. "Preventing" is different from "thwarting." Of course, if someone attacks you, it is better to have a gun than less deadly protection. That would be a case of thwarting. Preventing a crime from even taking place is a different matter.
I admit that I haven't read Mr. Kleck's book, but it appears he researched a third issue because he compared the rates of injury an attacked person experienced with their defensive response.
And, there is the difference between carrying and open carrying.
Mr. NCO, was it stereotyping or profiling? Stereotypes of large groups is inaccurate but general profiling of small groups is often quite accurate. An example of stereotyping would be to say that Muslims generally support terrorism; an example of profiling would be to say that a man living in Northern Afghanistan is probably a member of the Taliban. The former is highly subject; the latter is not. That, of course, is why the military profiles.
Yet, a general profile is just that, generic, and will have exceptions. I would say that the open-carry group is very small when compared with gun owners in general, and even smaller when compared to the population. I think my description probably fits the general demographic of that small group of open-carry enthusiast...but again, there will be exceptions.