Remember folks. An armed society is a polite society.
I must disagree. Open carry attracts both extremes: people who want to protect themselves and think open carry is an effective measure and bullys.
I too live in WA. and my husband and I had a very nasty experience with several assholes making use of the 'open carry law.
A furniture store was having a big sale. We, along with tons of other people, bought furniture and were told to drive to the warehouse to pick it up. Of course, the warehouse was packed, and it had several huge lines of generally well-behaved customers...except for one truck.
That truck tried to cut in line, and the gentleman who had waited patiently was not happy about that and told these guys that he was not letting them in. They got out, all of them openly carrying their guns at the waists. They made sure to stand around this guy with their gun hips forward, just to make sure he saw the guns. He didn't back down, and the store had to call the police.
They were exactly the "type" most would think of to openly carry a weapon: white, late-30s, John Deere caps, wife-beater t-shirts, gun racks in the truck...sigh.
Here in Washinton state. I open carry every day all the time my Ruger SR 9 C. In fact we have open carry meets alot and we all know each other.
We have 3 ex Jws that open carry
LOL! Did they have any altercations at a furniture store?