
by Perry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    The original soft tissues, blood vessels, cells and blood components [shown above] in a supposed 65 Million year old T. rex dinosaur published in 2005 shocked the secular community, but not literal bible believers. The stench of rotting flesh could still be smelled.

    The chart below is a list of all kinds of things that are supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old , yet the evidence is consistent with a literal biblical view of only thousands of years old.

    Here's a "still pink" supposed 350 million year old shrimp:

    As time goes on, I expect more and more of these kinds of findings to surface.

  • Perry
  • elderelite

    All i can hear in my head is "and thats where you get a dinosuar"

  • elder-schmelder

    Are you saying that they all went extinct a few 1,000 years ago? Like from the flood?

  • outsmartthesystem

    I think I've come to the conclusion that Perry is really Tim Tebow in clever disguise.

  • tornapart

    I've seen this before in another thread somewhere... kind of makes me think of Jurassic Park..

  • elderelite

    I beat you too it torn apart :-D see my first response ;-)

  • simon17

    Incidentally, the scientist who reported these findings (which to my understanding have not been fully confirmed but seem more accepted than not) is an evangelical christian who acknowledges the age of the earth as ~4.3 billion years and accepts the theory of evolution.

    So for those young earth creationists who are using this evidence to their liking, are you choosing one bit of science from someone and throwing out the rest of her research and study?

  • tornapart

    EE.. Thor must be on your side LOL

  • Perry

    Brother Schmelder,

    The Watchtower view is an anti-biblical one regarding the age of the earth. I see no reason not to question that view along with all of the other false teachings they promote.

    Like your name btw.

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