Oh, but the moment you post a thread, you ask that EVERYONE respond. It's unavoidable! And as frustrating as that may be, extreme militant atheists like Cofty get to respond.
by Perry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh, but the moment you post a thread, you ask that EVERYONE respond. It's unavoidable! And as frustrating as that may be, extreme militant atheists like Cofty get to respond.
At least Perry tries to answer questions, his buddy Stepehen posts 20 scriptures with the 'we shall be convicted by scripts. alone' mentality.
Perry your ignorance of science leads you to wrong conclusions. You supplied a list of articles that report on soft tissue discoveries. I already answered that. You will not find a single peer-reviewed article anywhere by any scientist who makes your connection between soft tissue in fossils and a young earth. Not one.
So you don't have a point to make apart from the ignorant conclusion that is a figment of your own imagination.
I am very familiar with young earth arguments and "evidence" I have loked at them closely. I am also well versed in real science about radiometric dating techniques, so my comment is not out of place.
If I was not familair with both sides of the argument I would not have asked you to tell us how much effort you have made to study real science, a question you have evaded three times now.
Responding to copy-paste from creationist websites is indeed beneath my dignity and it ought to be beneath yours too. If you understand anything you have read on the subject explain it in your own words and let's discuss it.
There are well over forty different radiometric dating methods all of them independent and yet they yield the same results time and time again. How much information about this would you like me to explain to you? Would you bother to read it? I doubt it.
no one asked you to respond to this thread. Perry
Its a discussion forum. You post unscientific bullshit in public, people who care about truth will challenge it. Get over yourself.
Perry, do you agree with this quote:
After the fall, the genetic line of Adam and his descendents was very pure, so their health would have been incredible. Living that long would not have been a problem. Also, some theologians think that there was a canopy of water that engulfed the entire earth and that it was released at the time of the flood. "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened," (Gen 7:11). This would account for the fossil record, which indicates sub-tropical vegetation all over the earth at some time in earth's past. In such a moist atmosphere growth would have been greatly stimulated (for both man and animals), the oxygen content could have been much higher than present day conditions, man could have been stronger with greater endurance tending to longevity. No rain is recorded in the Bible until after the flood which seems to support this idea. This is, however, a theory but it is evident from the Bible that after the flood the lifespan of people was greatly reduced. . "Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years," (Gen 6:3).
Radiometric dating: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiometric_dating
Sab - please tell us you don't buy into that nonsense.
Sab - please tell us you don't buy into that nonsense.
Hell no! I got my own nonsense to belief in.
Yes I thought that was as step too far even for you ;)
stinking rotting tissues
So they have been decaying for 4500 years...
Better eat my buried bones...
Seems like a lot of trying to make evidence fit a belief.
This is the exact same kind of "stop think" that I grew with as a 4th generation Jehovah's Witness. For them, honestly examining ANY argument put forth by a Christian who suckled at the breasts of the Great Whore was TOTALLY beneath their dignity.
This does not discount what cofty is saying....telling people they are thinking like JW's and that is why they don't buy into your new belief is not scientific.
Cofty seems to be examining the argument very honestly...he has said he has looked at both sides of the argument...at the information given for both sides. And asks if you have done the same. How exactly is that behaving like a JW?