Ignorance is nothng to be embarassed about, it just means like all of us you have much to learn.
Willful ignorance is a crime however.
by Perry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ignorance is nothng to be embarassed about, it just means like all of us you have much to learn.
Willful ignorance is a crime however.
The dates are what is most interesting to me. Look how many discoveries in the past couple years as opposed to previous years. How much longer can the standard evolution/naturalistic paradigm subsist in the face of such blatant contradictory discoveries? It appears the Jehovah is speeding it up in his own time.
Indeed torn apart..... The mighty Thor blesses me at every turn!
How much longer can the standard evolution/naturalistic paradigm subsist in the face of such blatant contradictory discoveries?
Uhm, I think I missed something. How did we conclude that this find contradicted evolution again? From what I remember reading of it, it did no such thing---but then again---I'm sure fundamentalists are excited to get their gleeful little hands on it and use the pseudoscience method.
Uhm, I think I missed something.
Took me a while to get it too
Perry, what makes it impossible to have preservation for such prolonged periods? Are you just anxious to throw science out as garbage and preach your narrow view of history?
Creationists are the most boring people on the face of the planet. You are dull, vapid, soporific, tedious and inane.
Scientists find soft tissue in a fossil and their is reaction is first to be very skeptical and make sure that it really is what it appears to be. Then they roll their sleeves up and commit to discovering all the implications of this new evidence.
Does it tell us new things about the process of fossilisation? Can we recover DNA and if so what can that tell us about dinosaurs? Were they in fact cold blooded or not? What does their genes tell us about their relationships to modern living creatures such as birds? If dino DNA can be preserved what about hominoid fossils? The potential for discovery is fantastic.
Creationists shove their heads even further up their own arses and pretend they have found a problem for science that supports their Bronze age picture of world.
Your lack of imagination is offensive you dull dull tedious man.
Cofty, I think you are acting like an extreme militant atheist!
Gulity as charged ;)
Cofty.. you're bad!
Perry.. I know where I've seen this thread before... it was one of yours years ago!! Why didn't you just resurrect it?