Here is a link to the exact same topic from Perry's bird.
A clear win to Leolaia on that thread. It seems some birds have very short memories.
by Perry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here is a link to the exact same topic from Perry's bird.
A clear win to Leolaia on that thread. It seems some birds have very short memories.
Great find caedes.... Leolia clearly showed the lunacy of this topic in the orginal thread. Im done here.
Clearly shows that in 5 years Perry has done little to 0 research.
Why didn't these guys get one?
Perry, can I just ask are you serious about this? You can't use radio-carbon dating for dinosaur bones or anything from millions of years ago. The half life is so high there wouldn't be anything but a negligible quantity to even measure. There are other isotopes that last longer and are used to accurately date such things.
Also why is it that radio-carbon dating confirms itself and is confirmed with every other form of dating that we know (like ice cores, tree rings, etc).